Do dogs have a favorite color? New study suggests it might be yellow
A dog might skip a better meal just to eat from a bowl in his favorite color — yellow.
A dog might skip a better meal just to eat from a bowl in his favorite color — yellow.
Hiccups aren't just a human quirk—they're a shared trait among mammals like dogs and wolves.
In the radioactive exclusion zone of Chernobyl the immune systems of wild wolves have undergone striking adaptation.
Study could lead to a dietary supplement or food additive for dogs
We’ve been spreading a myth all this time.
Wolves were readily suited for domestication by early humans, the research shows.
Hundreds of dog breeds share five distinct coat patterns, whose genes originated more than two million years ago in the ...
Dire wolves weren't the distant cousins of modern wolves as we've been led to believe all these years.
A wild streak makes them better at cooperating, the team reports.