Adorabile Video: Wolf Puppy gets the Hiccups
Hiccups aren't just a human quirk—they're a shared trait among mammals like dogs and wolves.
Hiccups aren't just a human quirk—they're a shared trait among mammals like dogs and wolves.
After becoming virtually extinct in California, wolves are making a comeback.
A pack of wolves has been spotted hunting with a hyena, something that has never been reported before.
Disease is shaping how wolves look in North America.
Dogs and humans have formed a special bond after more than 14,000 years of co-evolving together.
The lineage is relatively distinct from other modern dogs'.
Wolves may understand human communication cues, which may help us understand how they evolved into dogs.
The new study might end up saving both species.
The canines are expanding so much they might even become a South American species.
Who's a hybrid booooy?! Yes you are a hybrid booooy!
The scarecrow of the 21st century.
An experiment has found that domestic dogs have lost some of their problem solving abilities, and wolves currently do a ...
A female gray wolf and a male brown bear were spotted every day for ten consecutive days, spending time together, ...