Scientists find 91 new volcanoes miles beneath Antarctica’s thick ice sheet
Exciting but scary news at the same time.
Exciting but scary news at the same time.
You could make tea at those temperatures.
Volcanoes emit a significant amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, but nowhere near what humans emit.
There's not much going on today but Mars must have been very volcanically active.
The Kilauea volcano has created a dramatic "firehose" as molten lava continues to spew out hot lava and ash.
Most of the world's volcanoes are underwater, and we're "seeing" them better than ever.
This powerful volcano is more bizarre than meets the eye.
A stunning app put together by Smithsonian's Global Volcanism Project.
Worrying news surface in Japan, as geologists warn Sakurajima volcano might be powering up.
After two large earthquakes with magnitudes over 4, the Katla volcano in Iceland seems set to erupt.
They face acid, lava, and ash every day.
How a volcano may have hidden sea level rise all this time.
Reason number #1304 not to colonize Io.
There's no need to panic though.
Mount Ruapehu on New Zealand's north island is starting to show signs of eruption, and hikers have been warned to ...
A period of significant cooling from 536 to 660 AD brought forth massive societal changes in Europe and Asia, a new ...
Once any ice age is over, the increased surface temperature causes the ice caps to melt which lessens the pressure ...
Volcanic eruptions have fascinated and frightened people for millennia, and many have tried to describe them in different ways. Whether ...
Volcanoes are some of the most amazing geological features but quite often, they're misunderstood or not understood at all. Here we'll ...
Volcanoes are truly amazing - spewing out lava from the depths of the planet, they are a close reminder that ...
Seismic tremors around Mount St. Helens hint at a new possible eruption in the area. Geological surveys have revealed the ...
Scientists have discovered the longest chain of continental volcanoes in the world, stretching almost 2000 km (1200 miles) on Australia's ...
A state of emergency has been declared this Saturday by Ecuador's president, Rafael Correa. The measure was taken as a ...
Scientists analyzing data from the Large Binocular Telescope Observatory in Arizona spotted a huge lava lake on Io, one of Jupiter's ...
A chance discovery revealed an impressive cluster of extinct volcanoes 150 miles off the coast of Sydney, three miles below the ...
Geologists are expecting increased activity on the Kilauea volcano, warning that another eruption is likely possible. It seems that lava ...
An underwater volcano 300 miles off the coast of Oregon has awakened from its slumber and apears to spew out ...
Even as a geologist, I can't help myself from looking at lava with an almost childish fascination -- it's something ...
An underwater volcano that's been spewing ash and lava for the past month just created a new island off the ...
Shiveluch Remote, cold, rugged, and fiedy - that's the Kamceatka Peninsula for you! Out of all the 1,550 volcanoes that have erupted ...
It takes the form of vapor plumes erupting into space and the theory the scientists have agreed upon is that ...
Eyjafjallajökull eruption in 2010. Photo credit: Volcanoes aren't generally regarded as being particularly practical for us humans, quite frankly ...
Even an area so studied as Hawaii sometimes yields surprises - a recent study conducted by researchers at the University ...
Could the Yellowstone supervolcano be waking up? In his 53 years of monitoring seismic activity in and around the Yellowstone ...
Lots of volcanoes erupted in 2009 - but one of them really screamed out. Its unique howls provide a glimpse ...
Usually, the military taps into what science does and uses its technologies - but for once, it was the other ...
Some 200 million years ago half of all life on Earth went extinct, thus providing a window of opportunity for ...
Climate change deniers were ecstatic - our planet wasn't warming as fast as models predicted it; ha! Everything crumbles down, ...
The general classification splits volcanic eruptions in two: explosive or effusive. An explosive eruption is, well, explosive and violent (think ...
Details of some 2000 volcanic eruptions that occurred in the past 1.8 million years are now available in a new ...
In a groundbreaking study, researchers at University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science used satellite imagery to ...
The Yellowstone super volcano, which basically outlines the whole Yellowstone National Park, is part of one of the most active ...
Scientists who observed an underwater eruption in 2009 concluded they observed a tear in the planetary crust that mimicks the ...
The famous volcano in Sicily has been subjected to a number of eruption in this highly active past year. This ...
In the first ever-survey of its kind, geologists have managed to discover a chain of massive underwater volcanoes, some as ...
Photo by Roger McLassus. Taken at distances as small as 1 kilometer, these pictures of Grimsvotn (the volcano ...
Volcanoes have fascinated human beings since the dawn of time; thankfully, now we know enough not to think of them ...
Photo by Adrian Glover. As I was telling you just earlier, the Kilauea volcano erupted, with a fissure throwing lava ...
Hawaii isn't all warm breezes, mojitos and surfing; it's what geologists call a hot spot, one of the most active ...
Photo by Jean-Marie Hullot. Whenever you think you have the worst job ever, you definitely should think about the sulphur ...