New U.S. Center to research how viruses can help us overcome drug resistance
If you can't beat them -- infect them!
If you can't beat them -- infect them!
There's no need to panic, no human cases have yet been reported.
Nipah has been claiming a lot of lives this week. The world is trying to make sure it won't claim ...
The WHO has previously placed this virus on its watchlist of pathogens with high "epidemic potential" and no known treatment.
'These things are everywhere,' said one researcher.
The first case was reported in the Netherlands.
It can't go through our skin, but it will wreck viruses and bacteria.
The virus could have been infecting people for thousands of years.
It also showcases how powerful computer simulations can be in fighting viruses.
Anti-vaxxers finally have a natural option.
Not bad for such a small thing.
It took two years on a supercomputer to simulate 1.2 microseconds in the life of the HIV capsid.
The disease rears its ugly head again.
It's more effective than welding a slab of steel on the Death Star's thermal exhaust port.
Immunization is important.
Stanford researchers are proposing something different: they want to boost our body's defense systems instead of targeting the virus.
Though smallpox is now extinct, we need to learn about the origin of the virus.
We've only seen the tip of the surface.
A lot of things worked together to allow infection via casual touch alone.
The full extent of Zika is far from being known.
Should the virus get a foothold in southern Florida, containing it might become difficult, if not impossible.
A massive breakthrough in the fight against the Zika virus was made by Emory University School of Medicine who recently ...
Designer/molecular biologist Eleanor Lutz is back with yet another awesome science feature: virus trading cards.
A virus similar to SARS has been identified in Chinese horseshoe bats that may be able to infect humans without ...
A few days ago, the health minister in Colombia warned that the country is extremely vulnerable to the Zika virus ...
Just like an ecosystem inhabits an area, so to is your skin inhabited by a swarm of micro-organisms - including ...
Solar energy could be turned up a notch not by some exotic material or chip, but surprisingly by viruses. A ...
In what can only be classed as a breakthrough in medicine, a team at Washington University in St. Louis found ...
Ian Lipkin, a virus hunter from Columbia University, along with fellow professors Thomas Briese and Amit Kapoor have designed a ...
French scientists announced the discovery of Mollivirus sibericum in the US National Academy of Sciences journal this week. The "Siberian ...
Scientists are studying a virus that survives in extremely hot environments in the hope that it will give us better ...
Homes cleaned at least once a week with bleach might provide an environment that puts children at a higher risk ...
Vaccination has been highly successful in reducing the prevalence of poliomyelitis. Routine vaccination has helped reduce the number of cases by more ...
Scientists have resurrected a 700 year old virus form Canadian permafrost and showed that even after several centuries of lumbering, ...
Liberian health workers wear protective gear on the way to bury a woman who died of the Ebola virus on ...
Adelie penguins going about their way. Photo :Peter & J. Clement/ It's so cold even penguins get the flu in ...
Illustration of HIV virus. Photo: FDA One of the most threatening modern pandemics, HIV/AIDS, has been thoroughly studied in the ...
It's a truly terrifying story, and a truly terrifying disease. The flesh-eating culprit in question is called GAS, or Group A ...
The characteristic "chirp" a cricket makes is created when the insects rub their legs, in an attempt to draw the ...
Illustration: Michael Helfenbein In most of the world, winter long ground to a halt to make way for more harmonious ...
It sounds like the synopsis for an apocalyptic movie: scientists uncover a dormant 30,000 years old virus trapped frozen deep ...
Digital illustration of the flu virus. It may not seem like it, but the influenza (flu) virus is one of ...
A surprisingly diverse range of life forms exists deep in the oceanic crust, but they live at an extremely slow ...
It may not seem like much, but by differentiating between bacterial and viral fevers, this new test could help doctors ...
Researchers have developed a gene engineered vaccinia virus JX-594 - one of the pox viruses - that selectively kills cancer cells ...
At the end of last year, controversy sparked among the medical scientific community when an unprecedented event occurred. Two separate and independent ...
Darwin's theory of natural selection illustrates perfectly what evolution is all about, the survival of the fittest if you will. ...
Researchers of Texas A&M University have managed to develop a synthetic compound capable of breaking apart the AIDS inducing virus ...
Well, it's pretty obvious that the rotten, insalubrious sewage environment is perfect for fostering infectious diseases and virus cultures. What's surprising however ...