How mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna work, why they’re a breakthrough and why they need to be kept so cold
As the weather cools, the number of infections of the COVID-19 pandemic are rising sharply. Hamstrung by pandemic fatigue, economic ...
As the weather cools, the number of infections of the COVID-19 pandemic are rising sharply. Hamstrung by pandemic fatigue, economic ...
It's the most optimistic scenario we have for vaccine development.
It's still just interim data, but it looks good.
Although it might take longer than that to approve the vaccine, its development has been extremely fast.
Smells like good news.
A third of Americans would refuse a vaccine even if it were free. A sixth of Britons would also refuse ...
The vaccine developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca produced antibodies against the coronavirus.
This century-old vaccine could have a protective effect against COVID-19, these researchers claim.
Chinese researchers did a safety trial with a harmless virus carrying coronavirus genes.
"It's on the Internet so it must be true". Not.
While testing is underway, its unlikely the vaccine will be ready for use in 2020.
The study was limited, however, both in scope and translatability to humans.
More than 800 volunteers will be given the first dose of a vaccine.
There are few guarantees in vaccine-making. We shouldn't bet on vaccines to save us -- our best chance is to ...
The vaccine injects fragments of the viral spikes that the coronavirus uses to infect people.
The film-based vaccine requires no refrigeration, dissolves in the mouth, delivers the dose as effectively as a shot, and remained ...
There is a roaring epidemic caused by the antivaxx movement. It needs to stop.
Large pockets of unvaccinate children have caused a backsliding in immunization against measles -- a vaccine-preventable disease.
Antibiotic-resistant typhoid is spreading in some parts of the world so this news comes in the nick of time.
The potentially deadly illness, which can be easily prevented with vaccinations, continues to spike globally.
Facebook's recent policy changes makes it harder for legitimate pro-vaccine sources to publish ads while anti-vaccine groups bend the rules.
Experts described the risk of infection as "very low," but called on members of the public to be aware of ...
It's a very promising development.
A major milestone in the global effort to eradicate all poliovirus strains.
“This is an important step towards relieving the burden of this deadly disease."
Researchers want to approach cancer like an infectious disease.
If you want something done right, synthesize it yourself.
Weakened hurd immunity makes even vaccinated people vulnerable to mumps.
What do you think doctors should do in this situation?
If you're allergic to bee venom, this vaccine is for you.
It's an important step towards eliminating some types of cancer.
In the future, humans might be protected by vaccines against stress like they are now from the flu.
Vaccines stored in thin sheets of sugar survived for months exposed to temperatures of 40°C.
A new vaccine might one-day replace surgery for cervical cancer.
Malaria still kills thousands of children in Africa each year -- but a vaccine might change all that.
"Our work has validated that the science is clear—vaccines are extremely safe,"
The law was viciously attacked by populist politicians, but finally came into effect today.
These are still baby steps, but they're baby steps in the right direction.
The challenge is greater in the world’s poorest countries.
Vaccines work, definitely!
I can’t BEElive this!
Flu vaccines also offer protection against heart failure.
In other places, such as Europe, measles is resurfacing because parents are refusing to vaccinate their children.
Get lost, deadly virus.
The South American cameloid has antibodies that offer protection against most influenza strains.
This is extremely concerning, especially since measles has claimed 37 lives this year alone -- which would just not happen ...
Pregnant women can be reassured there is no risk of autism to their babies due to Tdap vaccine.
Good news from the UK!