How ‘Dancing’ Turtles Are Helping Scientists Unlock the Secrets of Magnetic Navigation
Baby loggerhead turtles do an adorable "dance" when they sense food. This could help scientists uncover how they navigate the ...
Baby loggerhead turtles do an adorable "dance" when they sense food. This could help scientists uncover how they navigate the ...
They're more like cousins than siblings.
Uranium signatures persist in their shells even decades after World War Two.
They are among the oldest reptiles in the world and have a varied, species-dependent diet.
Sand temperature determines if a new sea turtle hatchling is a male or female
The fossil was discovered in 1975 in North Dakota alongside a Triceratops.
Turtle eggs are usually small and fragile -- but this one was big and tough.
Researchers were surprised to see loggerhead turtles respond to the odor of marine plastic like it was their favorite food.
Years later, tortoises still remember what they were taught.
More than 100 turtles were tested -- all had synthetic fibers in their guts.
The turtle relative is the oldest with a beak.
These turtles were far more common than previously known.
The loggerheads can find their original nesting grounds within 40 to 50 miles, despite being away for decades or traveling ...
But we humans are the real punks here.. .
Turtles have a magnetic-based, extremely accurate GPS which they use to navigate the oceans.
It's not a good year for the environment.
One day, this robot will ride you.
Turtles likely used their retracting necks to initially catch prey and only later used this trait for defense.
Every summer, turtle hatchlings have to quickly dig up the sand of their nests and start a perilous journey towards ...
Conservation efforts have failed dramatically as this emblematic species comes closer to extinction. Four years ago, there were an estimated ...
"Hey, what did you find" "We found a bio-florescent turtle!", a researcher triumphantly declared. David Gruber, a biologist at City ...
The Great Barrier Reef, which stretches 2,000km (1,200 miles) along the coast, is the world's largest living ecosystem. Environmental groups ...
Studying the fossil remains of an ancient reptile-like creature, paleontologists gained valuable clues and insights that help explain how turtles ...
A turtle named Akut-3 was fitted with a new, custom made 3-D printed jaw by doctors at the Research, Rescue ...
When it comes to human prosthetics, there are usually many options available - from simple frames or tools, to advanced, ...
A pig-nosed turtle on display at an aquarium in Singapore. The aquarium in the Chinese Gardens holds the biggest selection ...
Fossil hunting can be exciting and highly rewarding, but sometimes, fossils are also found through a fluke. Jeff Dornbusch, a volunteer ...
Eggs, drugs and human lives Jairo Mora Sandoval. For the standards of the criminals who poach and smuggle animals in ...
A living South African sideneck turtle next to its 260-million-year-old relative, Eunotosaurus africanus. Turtles are maybe the most majestic creatures ...
We've written about some bizarre animals in the past, but just when you think nothing can come as a surprise... ...
The guys over at WHOI are doing more and more interesting things every day; just a few days ago I ...