Scientists Revive 1,000-Year-Old Seed, Potentially Resurrecting Mysterious Biblical Tree
An ancient Judean seed has grown into a unique tree that may hold healing properties mentioned in the Bible.
An ancient Judean seed has grown into a unique tree that may hold healing properties mentioned in the Bible.
Rainbow eucalyptus tree. Image via Wiki Commons. At first glance, this tree almost seems like it fell victim to graffiti ...
It was part of a forest that was cleared 150 years ago to make way for farmland. It now stands ...
Scientists uncover the origins and long-distance dispersal of the iconic baobab tree.
In cities across the United States, a silent disparity is brewing in the shade.
You might enjoy them as a crunchy snack or a rich ingredient in your desserts, but have you ever wondered ...
The history of a powerful Christmas symbol.
With a little help from a team of researchers, we get to see what climate change looks like from the ...
Sensors are getting cheaper, and they can be used for more than just tracking your run.
A very useful tool for forest management.
Its a bad time to be a tree.
We need to start being more serious about protecting the trees.
If this is true, it's very good news.
Are trees superorganisms?
A new study shows that there's still plenty of room for almost a billion hectares of forest.
They did not come in peace.
“I haven’t seen anybody do anything like that before,” researchers commented.
Help NASA by looking at trees.
Researchers desperately call for the protection of this area, of which 99% has already been destroyed.
In truth, all cities in the world would benefit from planting more trees.
The redwood has the 2nd largest genome in the world.
We should appreciate what we have -- and I mean trees.
A Heldreich pine discovered in southern Italy has been thriving for more than 1230 years.
It could start a self-reinforcing loop.
The benefits that trees provide -- both in terms of the environment and our health -- should not be understated.
MIT found an elegant solution to a complex problem.
The story of the manchineel -- a tree that grows on the coast of tropical locations -- and why should ...
Manchester officials have announced plans for a City of Trees: 3 million new trees will be added to the city ...
Biologists have located the world's tallest tropical tree, a 94.1-metre (309-foot) specimen in Borneo. I
A Bosnian Pine from Greece has been dated to be at least 1075 years old, making it the oldest living ...
A Yellow Meranti tree that towers at about 89.5m tall was discovered by Cambridge researchers in Malaysia.
A team of NASA researchers has developed the first ever method for identifying and studying underground forest fungi from outer ...
The latest, most complete tree is the result of a three-year effort by researchers from over a dozen institutions from ...
Recently, we wrote an article about the biggest tree census ever conducted, and the results were pretty grim. Sure, there ...
Today, the Earth has approximately 3 trillion trees left standing - about 422 per person - but we've already cut ...
They call it "Tree 76", because it stands 76 meters tall (249 feet) above the Muir Woods floor in California. ...
What is the heaviest living creature in the world? It's not an elephant or a blue whale, the heaviest organism ...
We're used to hearing how elephants are driven off by habitat lost, but never the other way around. Researchers at University of ...
When you think of timber technology, the first things that come to mind may be constructing homes, wooden tools and, ...
Trees planted along a city street could screen residents from sun and noise - but more importantly, they can also ...
A strange evolutionary alliance between trees and the ants that guard them has a sinister explanation, a new study suggests, ...
The tallest tree in the world, called Hyperion, has a height of 115.61m and is located in Redwoods, California. Obviously ...
Well the title is a bit deceiving, so let me clear this out a bit: this 100 year old Belgian ...
You're not going to power too many devices with electricity from trees. But it is a very interesting phenomenon.