China just unveiled a deep-sea tool that can secretly cut the world’s internet cables
The concern is that China's new deep-sea cable cutter could spark global chaos.
The concern is that China's new deep-sea cable cutter could spark global chaos.
Orangutans display an ability that was once thought to be exclusively human: the ability to create tools.
In a remote area of Brazil, capuchin monkeys have been adapting their own stone tools for thousands of years.
A small tool for a puffin, a large tool for puffinkind.
Macaques rely on tools for foods such as shellfish.
It was a crucial and defining moment in human evolution.
"Ants are smarter than we give them credit for" is something we seem to write a lot - and yet ...
Better late than never: Hawaiian crow is really good at using tools, but they're also critically endangered.
Calm and calculated - a chimp at a Dutch zoo took down a drone, squashing it with a tree branch. ...
Archaeologists working in Oregon have uncovered a stone tool which seems to be way older than any previously documented site ...
Two distinct groups of crocodilians have been reported to use tools for hunting They balance sticks on their snouts, baiting ...