Texas Alligators are freezing — but they survive thanks to an ace up their sleeve
Alligators survive freezing temperatures by entering brumation, sticking their snouts out of ice-covered waters to breathe.
Alligators survive freezing temperatures by entering brumation, sticking their snouts out of ice-covered waters to breathe.
Cheaper renewables are taking over fossil fuels across the state
A nice silver lining to a terrible drought.
If you like cool photos of fossils, we've got just the paper for you!
Bats provide more than $22 billion of indirect value to farmers by controlling pests. When bats fall, so does our ...
The pamphlets are disturbing and nonscientific.
They looked far less fearsome than their name suggests, though.
Out of four procedures, one has potential for success.
Despite an evident contrast, geologists claim that the region of modern day El Paso, Texas was once attached to the ...
I recently came across this poll, which was conducted about a year ago. Ok, so it's not extremely actual, but ...