Your Gut Bacteria Are Eating More Than We Thought and That’s a Good Thing
Scientists have discovered that our intestines may be paying gut microbes in sugar.
Scientists have discovered that our intestines may be paying gut microbes in sugar.
Scientists discover the 'nitroplast,' a new organelle formed when algae absorbed cyanobacteria.
How will coral and symbiotic algae coexist in a changing climate?
Symbioses are dynamic relationships in which organisms of different taxa interact with either positive or negative effects.
"We want to know if it's possible that more heat tolerant, non-preferred algae could revive bleached coral communities even if ...
The more the merrier.
Symbiosis is an absolutely fantastic adaptation in itself, but this case of deep sea symbiosis takes it to a whole ...
As you probably (and should) know already, symbiosis is a close interaction (often long term) between different species, both of ...