Early cosmic explosions may have filled the young universe with water
Young supernovas could have spread water out into the cosmos, causing planet formations earlier than originally thought.
Young supernovas could have spread water out into the cosmos, causing planet formations earlier than originally thought.
This incredible image captures the ghost of a supernova 100 light-years across.
We're witnessing the birth of a new era in astronomy, where humans may take the back seat for the first ...
A supermassive black hole could be blamed for the massive bang.
Four years ago astronomers discovered an unusual and powerful cosmic blast they nicknamed "the Cow." The mystery of what caused ...
We're learning new things about the most powerful explosions in the universe.
Could these giant explosions be the reason we exist?
Astronomers are no longer in the dark about the dimming of Betegeuse.
The ancient products of star explosions have been found in deep sea sediments on Earth.
Most of the calcium in the universe may have been generated by massive exploding stars.
The star may have directly collapsed as a black hole, without going supernova -- which is almost unprecedented.
No real stars were hurt...
What's a good way to baffle astronomers? Send a 14 millisecond gravitational wave signal. At least that's what the Universe ...
The other star we've found so far has so little iron -- a key indicator that it was forged close ...
It's a wild theory -- but is it crazy enough to work?
We might need some new physics to explain how this is possible.
The planet's largest shark may have been killed by a supernova.
Not your typical stellar explosion.
A cosmic record breaker.
India was into astrophysics before it was cool.
A unique astronomical event is leaving many scientists scratching their heads.
Why blow up when you can mass up?
When a star is ready to drop the curtain, it goes out with a bang -- a supernova explosion. But ...
Death from the heavens.
Some stars go out with a bang -- a supernova explosion! Using optical images recorded by the now defunct Kepler ...
The star was observed for the first time in June, but it's still radiating massive amounts of energy, making it ...
Everything is made of stardust - but some things are made of more stardust than others. A new study has ...
Astronomers have discovered a star racing at a incredible pace of 2.6 million miles an hour (4.2 million kilometers an ...
Here's something you don't see everyday - for the first time, astronomers witnessed how a nova is formed right from ...
Einstein's theories suggest that light can not travel faster than c, a constant equal to the speed of light in ...
Intense light from a huge explosion (a gamma ray burst) that took place shortly after the birth of the Universe ...
In a never-before seen feat, astronomers using NASA's Swift X-ray Telescope have observed a spinning neutron star suddenly slowing down, ...
Astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have come across the farthest supernova of its type found thus far - a type Ia ...
Supernovae are highly energetic events caused by the explosion of stars that are at times so bright they can outshine ...
This highly distorted supernova remnant may contain the most recent black hole formed in the Milky Way galaxy. The composite ...
The Very Large Array radio telescope network in New Mexico recently captured this amazing view of a 20,000 year old ...
The new view of spiral galaxy IC 342, also known as Caldwell 5. (c) NASA Launched just last year, NASA's Nuclear ...
The European Southern Observatory's (ESO) Very Large Telescope in Chile is back with yet another stunning gem. This spectacular spiral ...
Supernovae are one of the most energetic and brightest events in the cosmos, often so powerful they outshine whole galaxies. ...
Around 1843, on the night sky all of a sudden a new luminous star made its appearance. That luminous star, ...
An unprecedented observation of a supernova right after its explosion has offered scientists extremely valuable insight on these cosmic explosions ...
There's been a whole lot of fuss lately, and you guys have also been writing a lot of emails about ...
A supernova is a stellar explosion of cosmic proportions, that often can outshine the entire galaxy it is located in, ...