Superflares on Sun-Like Stars Are Much More Common Than We Thought
Sun-like stars release massive quantities of radiation into space more often than previously believed.
Sun-like stars release massive quantities of radiation into space more often than previously believed.
Two spacecraft will create artificial eclipses to study the Sun’s corona.
Astronomers detect long-lasting radio auroras from a sunspot, enhancing understanding of solar and stellar magnetic activities.
Coronal loops may not be what they seem.
A reliable way to detect coronal holes using CHRONNOS.
You could fit nearly one million Earth-sized planets and the sun isn't even that big of a star.
Work on that summer bod, but be sure to protect it from the sun as well!
I have it on very good authority that it's more than 20 degrees, for sure.
Up close and per-Sun-al.
This is the story of our Sun; its past, present, and future.
Science -- because you can't prove there's magnetic pastry in space any other way.
These one-of-a-kind images of the sun are the closest ever acquired by cameras.
It's going to be a good month for stargazers.
Could sunlight be an ally against COVID-19? This study suggests so.
It has an atmosphere much more complex than initially thought.
It looks like caramel corn. Yum!
The Sun has enough hydrogen fuel to last it another 5 billion years. However, life on Earth might become extinct ...
The temperature around the sun is millions of times hotter than the sun's surface itself.
It was tens of thousands of times more massive than the ones our Sun puts out.
We're basically copying off of Nature.
It also met a lot of asteroids it still hangs around with.
We have a spacecraft inside the sun's atmosphere -- take that in for a moment.
The 'twin' was forged in the same stellar nursery as the Sun. It also has the same age, metallicity, chemical ...
And it's only getting warmed up.
With a bit of help from NASA, you can now hear the sun's roar -- and it's glorious.
A modern-day Icarus -- but this one won't get burned.
Don't judge. Forgetting about babies in the car could happen to anyone.
Are you breaking up with us, Sun?!
He was one of the pioneers of studying solar activity.
Scientists think this is a left over effect since the sun formed billions of years ago. In time, solar wind ...
It could make a huge difference.
It's eclipse season for the Solar Observatory
It just needed some space...
The swirling gases could shed light on the atmosphere of other planets within and outside of our solar system.
A spectacular image captured by the Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) gives us a glimpse into ...
The Sun is easily the most recognizable and important star that humanity has ever known. And yet, those who want ...
We call it the "dark side" of the Moon, but that's a rather improper name - a better one would ...
It's a remarkable day for NASA and space observations: the Solar Dynamics Observatory has taken its 100,000,000th photo! The mission, ...
A star like our Sun is shown with an orbiting planet in the foreground in this artist's impression. Image credit: ...
One of the biggest mysteries in solar physics is how is it possible that the sun's surface is colder than ...
(c) NASA As the sun approaches the end of its 11-year-long cycle, scientists expect during one flash to change its ...
Lately, the sun has received a lot of thrash talk for the harm it causes with exposure, increasing the risk ...
Yesterday, residents in many parts of the US were treated to a wonderful sight as the sun became wrapped in ...
The sun has been extensively studied by astronomers for the last 50 years. While previous research suggested that the the ...
In a remarkable find, archeologists have uncovered two ancient pits, perfectly aligned with the sun's natural summer cycle. These suggest ...
Astronomers have discovered the largest body of water so far known, a reservoir of water floating in space around a ...
Since 1995, over 500 planets that don't orbit our Sun have been discovered, with the numbers increasing more and more ...
Astronomers usually classify stellar objects by a spectra going from hotter to cooler, using the letters O, B, A, F, ...