Scientists Turn Skin Cells Directly Into Neurons Bypassing Stem Cells
It's a huge step forward for regenerative medicine.
It's a huge step forward for regenerative medicine.
Regrowing limbs starts with protein — and now, researchers know which protein are necessary.
Humanity strikes back: another win against HIV.
It could be a game changer for patients suffering from paralysis and other nervous system problems.
Physical exercise is critical to brain health.
As stem cell research continues to be a very divisive topic, a new study has revealed that the general public ...
This novel treatment could help thousands live independently.
Tailored stem cell treatment could become a reality in the near future.
For the first time, Japanese researchers have successfully grown a pair of kidneys in a lab and then transplanted them ...
For the first time, scientists have developed a treatment for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) that actually reverses the disability. Dr. Richard ...
Researchers were able to grow sheets of retinal tissue from induced pluripotent stem cells, and have now implanted them for ...
A few months ago we were telling you about the researchers from Transylvania, Romania, who developed artificial blood. Now, the production ...
Her short career was absolutely remarkable - before she was 20, Haruko Obokata was accepted into the science department at ...
Human embryonic stem cells can be induced into forming a developing brain tissue. The brain development process represents one of ...
Mammals can naturally regenerate the very top of their fingers and toes after amputation; starting from this idea, researchers have ...
Researchers have managed to take skin cells from monkeys, reverse engineer them into stem cells, and then transplant into the ...
Stem cell research is still extremely controversial and problematic due to the numerous financial, social, and political pressures often applied ...
The Vatican have entered an unusual partnership with a relatively small U.S. biotech company (NeoStem) to promote using adult stem ...
In was is a historic day, US doctors have officially begun the first trial of using human embryonic stem cells, ...
The ethical and moral aspects of using stem cells have been discussed a lot and it seems there is no ...