Heavy metal in space.
And exercise doesn't fix it.
Things are getting pretty dicey in outer space.
Seeds -- the tiny bunkers of life.
That's surprisingly convenient.
Interplanetary potato, yeah!
Not a problem many would even think possible -- but a real one nonetheless.
+3 armor +25 radiation resist.
Life can be surprisingly hardy.
"Producing > packing" -- NASA.
"A laugh star floating in space, above all our heads, is my attempt to create a contemporary metaphor for the ...
I can't even muster enough willpower to count up to 104.
They'll have to face boiling acids and extreme pressures.
Cleaning up is hard.
Guaranteed to maintain awesomeness even at 0 atm.
Worry and excitement, all in one paper.
Take a trip on the ISS and grow some plants.
Still a hellish planet, but a beautiful hellish planet at that.
Nobody was hurt and no one is starving but it's never fun when this happens.
Hint: it would be spectacular.
What we do know is that it blasts enormously powerful X-rays into the void.
China is making strides in its own space program.
Big country, big telescope.
Not big enough to capture material, the centaurs supply their own.
We've never seen anything like this before.
The sub will be used to explore Titan's oceans.
NASA's year-long Mars simulation experiment has concluded today.
Researchers have developed a method to identify impoverished areas using free information from satellite imagery.
You could say they hit a high note.
They actually take one another for a spin.
All you need is a brush and a rubber hand.
Food grown on Mars has been officially declared edible.
Mars will be very safe and very comfortable one day. But first it's going to be harsh and unwelcoming.
Hollywood screenwriters and directors are in business to make a lot of money. For space movies, they make trailers packed ...
NASA astronauts have discovered a lonely planetary-like mass floating on its own, without a solar system. A young, free-floating world ...
There's confidence that reproducing in space is indeed possible, based on previous research. The most recent experiment made by Chinese ...
Well, technically if you're not a space pirate, you'll be prosecuted by the laws governing your home country. On the ...
This bright orange zinnia was grown in the Vegetable Production System (also known as the gloriously puny "Veggie"), a deployable ...
Apollo 11: Eagle Has Landed NASA's mission to better understand the Universe around us resulted not only in text, images ...
Many of you reading this hope to one day be able to explore outer space; the thrill of discovery, entwined ...