Golf Courses Use More Land Globally Than Solar or Wind Energy
While golf remains a pastime for the affluent, occupying enormous tracts of valuable land globally, renewable energy projects face resistance ...
While golf remains a pastime for the affluent, occupying enormous tracts of valuable land globally, renewable energy projects face resistance ...
China hopes to take the concept of space-sourced solar power from science fiction to reality.
It's time to be efficient. In a breakthrough study, solar energy proves more efficient than tree planting in dryland areas.
It has a lot of potential and brings benefits beyond just electricity.
Researchers have developed transparent solar panels that can be used as glass windows in our homes or even in our ...
What you need to know about solar energy and solar panels. Get your solar energy facts straight.
If you need a new roof, might as well turn it into a solar power generator.
The solar panels are coated with a spray that gives them structural colors similar to butterfly wings.
This could pave the way for even cheaper renewable energy in the future.
Solar panels are cooler than night air, creating a temperature difference that can be used to produce electricity.
Most of the technologies needed are already available, and the ones still in development would only bring about small improvements.
Covering roofs with solar panels could significantly contribute to decarbonising global energy systems.
Quite an appropriate solution for a zoo!
It's been one of the best years for renewable energy.
Bees everywhere support this message.
Renewable energy is a boon for everyon
The schematic structure of the tandem solar cell stack in 3D. Credit: Eike Koehnen/HZB. A crystal known to science for ...
Electric cars and solar power may work together like a hand and a glove.
Good news... but not good enough.
Heavy industries could replace fossil fuels with a new solar technology.
Global renewable energy capacity will rise by 50% in five years’ time
The massive decrease in the cost of solar energy doesn't show any sign of stopping.
A little help from life goes a long way.
Renewable energy is set to power the future.
Solar energy is on the rise, but how does it really work?
There's some poetic justice in having Chernobyl once again produce energy -- but this time, from the Sun.
Trees aren't obsolete yet but this hybrid system can do amazing things.
It's not even surprising -- renewable energy continues its spectacular advance.
This could be a game changer.
We're getting closer to the ideal silicon solar cell.
German engineers turn on a huge light bulb to better understand solar energy.
A solution for people who think rooftop solar is ugly.
Green tech doesn't kill jobs. On the contrary.
It's happening - renewables are becoming cheaper than fossil fuels!
It's been a wonderful year for solar in the U.S.
Sounds like a lot, but by comparison with other infrastructure, it's far from being intimidating. 'Let's get to work!'
It's all you need to know, really.
Solar energy is definitely in fashion nowadays.
One of the cleverest things we've seen in a long time. One up for the environment.
There are absolutely no subsidies which means this is the cheapest power plant in the world.
You can only postpone the inevitable.
Dubai loves to take things to the superlative, and the city isn't toying around this time either.
In April, the United States hit an important milestone in the quest for full renewable energy transition after the one-millionth ...
Solar is becoming cheaper - fast.
Ikea made it much easier for British people to green their homes - for a while. Then, after the government ...
We may be reaching a historic moment.
Sunny states like California, Texas and Florida topped the list of states where rooftop solar could generate the most energy.
The slump in oil prices coincides with the highest investment in renewables ever: $329.3 billion just in 2015.