Scientists Create Mice with Two Fathers in a Genetic Breakthrough That Could Save Endangered Species
Researchers use CRISPR to overcome seemingly insurmontable reproductive barriers — but that doesn't mean this could work for humans.
Researchers use CRISPR to overcome seemingly insurmontable reproductive barriers — but that doesn't mean this could work for humans.
It's only the second-ever documented case of this very rare condition.
No escape from microplastics.
New study links panda reproductive issues to specific gut microbes.
A green honeycreeper with a body half male and half female captivates scientists.
Humping humpbacks add new insight into whale reproductive behavior.
What is killing male antechinuses after mating season? It's apparently not the sleep deprivation.
It’s been a head scratcher for years -- but the answer was in the rear end.
Serotine bats have penises seven times longer and wider than their female counterparts' vaginas
Virtual code has become virtual DNA.
"Too hot to date" -- birds.
The first step to making spacebabies is to know if we can actually do it.
Those majestic lions, with a harem of females? They're just compensating for something.
Sex is good for more than just procreation.
Paleontologists have identified the first known animals that used internal fertilization instead of spawning - armor-coated swimmers, called antiarchs, which lived ...
The characteristic "chirp" a cricket makes is created when the insects rub their legs, in an attempt to draw the ...
Well we all use disposable tissues, dishes, I've heard of disposable tails of even limbs, but a disposable penis? Talk ...