NYC’s latest problem: rat urine and leptospirosis
Local infections had been hovering at around 5 cases per year. Now, there's over 20.
Local infections had been hovering at around 5 cases per year. Now, there's over 20.
The Christmas Island rat was wiped out from its island home in the Indian Ocean more than a century ago.
Risks of a new epidemic are virtually non-existent, but the public should still take steps to protect themselves.
The "losers" are exactly the ones you want to protect.
The rats are much more efficient than the conventional test.
It's not good news for the rat...
Great Barrier Reef's only endemic mammal, the Bramble Cay melomys, is now officially extinct, scientists say.
Detecting landmines can be difficult, dangerous and expensive, but an unsung hero is set to change all this.
Rats can't vomit and it's pretty surprising.
Archaeologists have discovered fossils of rats 10 times bigger than modern rats. Working with the Australian National University (ANU), the team ...
While surveying the island of Sulawesi right in the center of Indonesia, a group of researchers came across a previously ...
Blind rats learned to navigate mazes just as well as those that could see, after scientists strapped a simple geomagnetic ...
Norwegian rats know how to keep their friends close. A new study found they reward other rats for their help ...
It's always the cute ones - a team of Norwegian researchers found that the Black Plague, which arrived in Europe ...
Swiss scientists demonstrated a flexible ribbon-like implant that attaches itself to a paralyzed rat's spinal cord, allowing the animal to ...
Babies can learn what to fear from the first days of life simply by smelling their distressed mothers, a new ...
Drawing illustrates a rat with a BMBI attached to the skull retrieving food. Photo courtesy: Case Western Reserve University Case ...
Some people are better navigators than others, i.e. men better than women. Whether you can make your way effortlessly through ...
Rodents are able to move their eyes in different directions, thus always keeping an eye on the the airspace above ...
Law-makers in Canada and the US are making moves to restrict rat poisons based on blood thinners as studies show ...
According to a report launched by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), more than a thousand species were discovered just in ...