Astronomers Discover Largest Radio Jet from the Early Universe. It’s Twice the Width of the Milky Way!
It's unlike anything scientists have seen so far.
It's unlike anything scientists have seen so far.
Oh, you thought the Sun was big? That's cute.
Although we've looked at this corner of the universe before, we've never seen it so clearly.
Its source is a radio loud quasar blasting out jets when the universe was still in its infancy.
A Sun a day keeps dark matter away?
New Hubble study takes us one step closer to understanding the mysterious dark matter.
Talk about a massive find!
We might need some new physics to explain how this is possible.
It's the farthest, oldest, and perhaps most mysterious object we've ever discovered.
A team of astronomers has discovered a unique system of quadruple quasars. The quartet, discovered at the very edge of ...
In an article published in the Astrophysical Journal last week, astronomers described a massive halo around the Andromeda Galaxy, extending ...
Astronomers have discovered a humongous supermassive black hole that's 12 billion times as massive as the Sun. What's peculiar about ...
Credits: X-RAY: NASA/CXC/UNIV OF MICHIGAN/R.C.REIS ET AL; OPTICAL: NASA/STSCI About half of the Universe's lifetime ago, it was feasting time ...
Astronomers have discovered 26 likely black holes in the Andromea Galaxy - the biggest number of black holes ever found ...
Early galaxies were very different from those we see today - it was overgrown black holes, and not stars ...
An infrared image of the triple quasar system made using the 3.5-m aperture telescope of the Calar Alto Observatory. The ...
Astronomers from Britain's University of Central Lancashire have recently published a landmark paper that describes the largest known structure in the ...
An artist’s rendering of the quasar 3C 279 (credit: European Southern Observatory) Determining when stars first started to form through ...
Astronomers using ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT) have discovered the most powerful quasar outflow discovered to date - five times more ...
(c) NASA Scientists with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-II) have used a novel technique to peer through the nature of ...
This is a still image from a video fly-through of the SDSS-III galaxies mapped in Data Release 9. (c) SDSS ...
An international team of astronomers may have come across the first sound evidence testifying the existence of dark galaxies - ...
Quasars are some of the brightest objects in the Universe. Their formed after black holes devour captured material, like gas dust ...
One of the fundamental backbones of the Big Bang theory states that after the rapid expansion of the Universe only ...
Astronomers have discovered the largest body of water so far known, a reservoir of water floating in space around a ...
Astronomers have discovered the most distant quasar known so far, dubbed ULAS J1120+0641, powered by a supermassive black hole with a ...
According to Murphy's Law, all great discoveries happen by mistake. This is not the case here, but scientists had the ...
There is still some debate around how life appeared here on Earth and it is hard to find undeniable ...