Physicist Claims Gravity Might Emerge From Entropy. Could This Unite Quantum Mechanics and Gravity?
A novel theory could finally bridge the gap between quantum physics and general relativity.
A novel theory could finally bridge the gap between quantum physics and general relativity.
Physicists made the intangible almost tangible.
A new time-keeping quantum device that requires no "time zero" reference.
Physicists call it 'quantum weather'.
Hoverboards like the ones in Back to the Future II now exist for real. Sort of.
It's like an ice cube flowing on water without friction.
Not only do gravitational waves represent the ultimate confirmation of the theory of General Relativity, they will provide us with ...
The Standard Model is our best description of the subatomic world. Join ZME for a stroll through the particle zoo.
Join ZME Science in its carefully non-copyright infringing time machine with your sidekick ‘Marty’ to see if time travel paradoxes ...
Quantum teleportation may take its name from its fictional counterpart, but aside from that, it shares few commonalities. Despite this, ...
The alternate world, universe, or dimension is a long-standing element of pop-culture. But these concepts, often conflated, have their roots ...
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle is more than a mathematical quirk, a handy guiding principle, or the inspiration for some really nerdy ...
The tale of physics’ most famous cat is one that is familiar to many, but what is the inside story ...
A happy accident lead to a breakthrough that may prove to be revolutionary in physics and beyond.
The uncertainty principle provides a constant hindrance to the sensitivity of equipment such as LIGO's interferometer and new research shows, ...
A new record for the most atoms placed in a quantum superposition simultaneously has been set by researchers - pushing the boundary ...
An international team of scientists has attempted to test the effects of gravity on quantum entanglement using the Micius Quantum ...
A new study outlines the conditions that couple quantum gravity and low-energy physics.
The discovery has implications for the improvement of technologies like solar energy systems.
The device is completely self-contained, being able to determine the position of an object on the globe with no external ...
Of course it had to be weird and confusing.
'Spooky action at a distance' is approaching the human scale.
Are black holes trying to tell us something?
The blue pill or the red pill?
Teleporting quantum states might the future of communications, and China is leading the way.
Physicists have crammed water inside extremely small cracks about ten-billionth of a metre and found the molecules entered a never ...
After an A.I. beat the human champion at Go, a game almost infinitely more complex than chess, some might feel ...
How the quantum moment "overturned basic beliefs about space and time, causality and reality, and exposed as mistaken many fundamental ...
Security experts have devised a novel authentication system that exploits quantum effects to make fraud-proof credit cards or IDs. Called Quantum-Secure ...
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle makes quantum physics nasty. There's no reason why we can't get all along, though. A novel technique ...
Black holes are the single most interesting and puzzling objects in our Universe - that we know of. But as ...
With implications for everything from quantum computing to microbiology, scientists have for the first time imaged the shadow of an ...
Last May, European scientists managed to teleport photons using quantum phenomena over a distance of 143 kilometers, across two Canary ...
Hailed as yet another big step towards devising working quantum computers, scientists at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) have successfully managed to generate quantum ...
By harnessing the science of both quantum and nano physics, scientists at the Niels Bohr Institute have come up with ...
Researchers have successfully managed to create a "solar paint" made out of quantum dots, which exhibits similar properties to multifilm solar ...
A team of researchers from led by Guillaume Gervais from McGill's Physics Department and Mike Lilly from Sandia National Laboratories, ...
Does flicking a dice really render a random face? The answer would be no. The dice is governed by large-scale ...
What you just saw in the video above is a perfect demonstration of the quantum levitation effect, through a fairly ...