Physicist Claims Gravity Might Emerge From Entropy. Could This Unite Quantum Mechanics and Gravity?
A novel theory could finally bridge the gap between quantum physics and general relativity.
A novel theory could finally bridge the gap between quantum physics and general relativity.
The Universe doesn't care which direction time flows in.
An experiment found photons can exit a material before entering it: a paradoxical evidence of "negative time".
Scientists may now finally have a way to prove gravitons — the force carriers of gravity — exist.
This military-grade quantum laser would penetrate fog and travel longer distances.
The lens leverages quantum mechanics to achieve precise focusing.
Scientists propose controversial theory that reconciles Einstein's gravity with quantum mechanics, challenging long-held assumptions.
A new time-keeping quantum device that requires no "time zero" reference.
A vacuum is not exactly empty in quantum mechanics terms. It is also a headache for physicists.
Join ZME Science in its carefully non-copyright infringing time machine with your sidekick ‘Marty’ to see if time travel paradoxes ...
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle is more than a mathematical quirk, a handy guiding principle, or the inspiration for some really nerdy ...
The uncertainty principle provides a constant hindrance to the sensitivity of equipment such as LIGO's interferometer and new research shows, ...
A new record for the most atoms placed in a quantum superposition simultaneously has been set by researchers - pushing the boundary ...
An international team of scientists has attempted to test the effects of gravity on quantum entanglement using the Micius Quantum ...
A new study outlines the conditions that couple quantum gravity and low-energy physics.
The discovery has implications for the improvement of technologies like solar energy systems.
The first images of spooky action at a distance.
It's a completely unexpected discovery.
In a study published in the January 19, 2016 issue of the Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS), scientists ...
Researchers from the University of Cambridge in England claim to have unraveled one of the great mysteries of electromagnetism, and ...
Climate change is a threat to all life and vegetation here on Earth, but some places are worse off than ...
Image: DARPA DARPA just announced the launch of a new extremely exciting program: Atoms to Product (A2P). The aim is to ...
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle makes quantum physics nasty. There's no reason why we can't get all along, though. A novel technique ...
In a black hole, Albert Einstein's theory of gravity clashes with quantum physics; for decades, scientists have tried to find ...
One of the predictions derived from Einsten's theory of general relativity is the existence of wormholes - spacetime shortcuts. In ...
For many quantum mechanics is very hard to comprehend because so many of its insights are extremely bizarre (see spooky ...
Black holes are the single most interesting and puzzling objects in our Universe - that we know of. But as ...
Detecting a potential threat before it occurs is the first step to preventing any aggression. In today's wars, the scales ...
Is light a wave, or is it made of particles? This question has puzzled since the dawn of modern physics, ...
Atom = at·om, noun \ˈa-təm\, from the greek ἄτομος (atomos) meaning "indivisible". Apparently the atom isn't that indivisible after all. Scientists at the University of ...
Quantum technology is the future, no doubt. The impact of computing devices based on quantum effects finally entering service would ...
Does flicking a dice really render a random face? The answer would be no. The dice is governed by large-scale ...
The quantum world is entirely different from what we see around us; it has its own laws, its own algebra, ...
Physicists from NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) have demonstrated what they claim to be the first universal programmable ...