Study shows “Pro Life” supporters sometimes care more about banning casual sex than sanctity of life
Some Pro Life advocates may actually be subconsciously more fixated on the lives of the parents.
Some Pro Life advocates may actually be subconsciously more fixated on the lives of the parents.
Chasing happiness may drain your mental energy, making you less happy in the long run.
The bonobos eagerly pointed out treats to humans who didn’t know where they were, but when humans had watched the ...
What a 15-year study reveals about the power of beauty in the workplace.
High-profile mass shootings inspire copycats years later, fueled by shared traits and media exposure.
New research reveals how being watched triggers unconscious hyper-awareness.
These clay instruments produce scream-like sounds, which trigger a fear response in the human brain.
Researchers found that athletes at Tottenham Hotspur's academy ran 3% faster when encouraged to run like "a jet plane taking ...
New study suggests legal language complexity serves to signal authority, akin to "magic spells."
People generally find mental exertion highly unpleasant — so props to those who still do it anyway.
When the other party doesn't agree, you may feel unheard even when they're actually listening.
Watching others show empathy can grow on you.
Research shows that valuing understanding others over being understood can lead to more fulfilling relationships.
Our motivation for seeking out new information is consistent over time, the paper explains.
Few people actually enjoy their commutes. But the ones who do have a better experience at work.
Aboriginal Australians are part of the oldest living culture on Earth -- and we could learn a thing or two ...
The relationship between video games and mental health is more complex than you thought.
I mean... If it's for my health, I guess I have to.
To err is human. But, to confidently persist in erring is hilarious.
It's probably your fault -- of course.
There's a silver bullet to fight materialism: generosity.
Speak your mind, but don't be a jerk.
Results are intriguing, but psychologists are faced with a weird problem.
"Whether the consequences of our choices for ourselves and others are visible immediately or will only materialize in the future, ...
Video games have a negative impact, but religion was three times more likely to make teens sexist.
When preschoolers hang out with each other, they tend to borrow each other's personalities, a new study has found.
An encouraging study conducted by Harvard researchers found that having an optimistic outlook on life may help people to live ...
Numerous academic journals often post intriguing and challenging psychological studies - but according to a new, massive review, we should take ...
Using and understanding the intricacies of sarcasm is a fine art; one does not simply "become" sarcastic - you must ...
Marilyn Monroe once said that if you give a woman the right shoes, she can conquer the world; that may ...
Gifted children are supposed to be tomorrow's leaders, scientists, and innovators - but the exceptionally smart are often invisible in ...
A 52-year-old, part-time graduate student with no previous training in psychology and little training in math aside from high-school has ...
It's the early 1950s, and some strange experiments are going on at Tulane University in Louisiana. Well, maybe not weird, ...
One of the biggest problem in psychiatry today, though the doctors practicing it regularly hand out medication and treatment, is ...
Highschool students whose friends have higher grades than them have a significant tendency to raise their own grades over the ...
They say that the bully is actually the victim - and studies on adolescent rats seem to support this idea; ...
Just grin and bear it - we've all heard it at one point or another in our lives, and we've ...
Part of a study which sought to see how deeply rooted is our psychological projection inherited from our ancestors when faced with a ...
It's pretty evident for anyone living in a big, crowded city what pollution looks like and to what degree our ...
In the theoretical and absurd case of a pigeon going on a police identification line, do you think it would ...
It's somewhat evidently observable that the elderly have more trouble focusing or multitasking than young people, but a recent study ...
A study conducted by professor Joseph Forgas at the University of New South Wales showed that bad moods can actually ...
It's natural that when you are stressed out, you tend to search for an explanation for your current situation and ...