Plastic is everywhere. But what are its main types? A simple explainer
The blessing and the curse of plastic.
The blessing and the curse of plastic.
Researchers find more answers about its main features, and the results are intriguing.
Recycling facilities in the US can't process most of the plastics
We thought microplastics were a big problem... but they're a huge one.
This is an unmitigated catastrophe.
More research is needed to understand its effects on fisheries and humans
This is not good news.
The aim of the project is to clean 1.000 of the world's most polluted rivers
A factory in France has created a process to recycle any plastic into any other plastic
Sick of plastic waste? So are these researchers.
Tea, plastic-flavored.
Plastics are one of the most widespread contaminants on Earth -- and every bit of it was made by humans.
It's a depressing hallmark of human activity.
Some encouraging news in a sea of trouble.
There's more plastic in the deep than there is on the surface.
Circular plastics may finally be upon us.
A cool, solid research paper.
Researchers are calling for change on all levels of society.
Even pristine mountainous landscapes are now polluted with microplastics.
This might help us clamp down on plastic pollution.
Today's vote is "essential in order to protect the marine environment and reduce the costs of environmental damage attributed to ...
Balloons might be fun at parties but they become deadly serious once they reach the ocean.
I do like cleaner seas.
Thrash we've thrown away years ago is killing ocean life as you're reading this.
Some stats are better than others.
A gruelling reminder to curb our plastic pollution.
Storing food properly is very important because our own health is at stake here.
Who doesn't love Legos?
And the situation is getting worse.
Just throw them in the trash if you don't want them on your plate later on.
It's not a simple problem and it doesn't have a simple answer -- but here's what we can do.
The global retailer with 363 stores wants its customers to live more sustainably.
Despite some city and state-wide measures, no other country in the Americas has banned plastic bags.
We can only hope this comes to fruition.
Plastic is everywhere -- literally.
It should basically be called Arctic sea plastic by now.
There's just too much plastic in the oceans.
Researchers discover a 35% increase in the levels of a chemical substance linked to asthma, type 2 diabetes, and infertility, ...
Adorable little dirty rubber duckies.
Green toys are the best toys.
We have a massive plastic pollution problem, with no solution in sight.
By 2030, you'll have to bring a reusable cup to get coffee in the EU.
The forgotten ingredient of a Coke -- plastic.
The Arctic is screwed.
It's literally everywhere.
Pass me the sea salt please, and hold the plastic.
It overcomes a major hurdle in plastic recycling.