Astronomers Discover 128 New Moons Around Saturn Securing Its Title as the Moon King and Leaving Jupiter in the Dust
Jupiter may be out of the race for good.
Jupiter may be out of the race for good.
Hycean planets, or water worlds, are one of the most intriguing types of planets — if they turn out to ...
The universe just got a lot more interesting.
There's still a long way to go to check it, but it's an exciting development
Maybe this discovery can help us understand them both.
This would be very helpful.
Status report: astronomers may have found a planet outside our galaxy, something that has never been done before.
Like clockwork, the planet moves around its star in Pi days.
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the hottest of them all?
Not everyone is happy with their current definition.
Small but significant.
Yes, Pluto is here too.
Looks tasty, honestly.
The surviving fragments of planet orbiting a white dwarf have been found by a team of astronomers.
There's also a whirly-dirly corollary associated with this new method.
The chances of it happening are pretty slim though.
Good news for Pluto fans!
The only thing flat earthers fear is sphere itself!
The planet is almost as hot as the Sun.a
All babies are adorable, right?
I've never given up on you, Pluto.
Pieces of an ancient planet formed long before Earth shed their secrets.
NASA's future planet hunter has arrived -- and it's set for glory.
Giving "family dinner" a whole new meaning.
Homer Simpson would have been impressed. D'oh!
We didn't even know this kind of planet can exist.
Can we get excited yet? Mmm no, not really.
Still a hellish planet, but a beautiful hellish planet at that.
It looks strange, but it's really accurate.
Astronomers have found a cosmic friend for Pluto.
Before WWII, there weren't that many plastics around. Today, we use so much that we could literally plaster the planet ...
A duo of astronomers from CalTech may have found another planet, far away in our solar system.
A new dwarf planet, designated V774104 has been identified and now takes the crown of most distant object in our ...
There is only one clear set of official criteria by which we class or not a cosmic body as a ...
Before you get overly excited, no, Pluto hasn't been once again accepted as a planet - it's still officially a ...
The ever resourceful Kepler missions just reported its most interesting find to date: not one, but five planets smaller than ...
Nibiru followers might have cause to rejoice, as Spanish astronomers report a novel hypothesis that suggests two Earth-sized planets might ...
Artist impression of KOI-314c. Credit: C. Pulliam & D. Aguilar (CfA) A team of astronomers recently discovered a new exoplanet ...
The discovery of a giant planet orbiting its star at 650 times the average Earth-Sun distance baffled researchers. So far, ...
An international discovered a young, exotic, rogue planet - PSO J318.5-22, is just 80 light-years away from Earth and has ...
The search for other planets gets more and more exciting and fruitful, and now, researchers have found an exoplanet which ...
Less than a month ago, on the 28th of October, the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System Preparatory Project (NPP) ...
Eris is a dwarf planet, observed in 2005 for the first time, whose discovery led to Pluto losing its planet ...
The Goldilocks area is one of the most interesting for astronomers throughout the known Universe, as it has great hope ...
I had some serious thought on whether to write this or not. It's not a paid post or anything, and ...
As I was writing in a previous post, Titan is quite unique, in that aside from our planet it's the ...
It's not a bird, it's not a planet, it's not Jupiter... it's super earth. Actually, there's 3 of them. What ...
The hunt is on for finding other planets we can live on; this is probably the next step for ...