Physicists Think They’ve Found a Way to Harvest Energy from Earth’s Rotation — And It Might Be Just Crazy Enough to Work
A wacky-looking hollow device is giving perpetual motion machine vibes.
A wacky-looking hollow device is giving perpetual motion machine vibes.
The physics of crows explains why they sometimes move like waves.
New data confirms a puzzling rift in the universe's expansion rate.
An asteroid's orbit may reveal an invisible fifth force that could rewrite the rules of physics.
Researchers take a step closer to the world's most precise clock, with implications beyond timekeeping.
Feynman was not only one of the most accomplished physicists in history. He was an amazing teacher.
New research reveals why certain paper is more likely to cause cuts.
This type of robot could help us better explore the moon or Mars.
They never fall but they pour.
84.4% of the matter in the universe is something that we don’t really understand yet.
Room's a mess again? It's physics's fault.
The tale of physics’ most famous cat is one that is familiar to many, but what is the inside story ...
It's exciting to see exoplanet research being awarded with a Nobel Prize.
Quantum World of Warcraft, here I come.
We have a lot to learn from the humble dandelion.
Here's a question you never knew you wanted to answer.
It's a unique chance to do some top notch science from the comfort of your own home.
Ah, wheeled luggage -- a necessary evil.
The stakes have never been so tiny.
It's cool, and it's totally out there!
Is there anything graphene can't do?
We're closer than ever to a Theory of Everything.
F.D.C. Willard, also known as Chester, is a cat who co-authored a high-quality physics paper in 1975
Explosions behave quite differently underwater than what you'd see on the surface.
Bagel physics begets a prize.
It could be the key to understanding dark matter.
We just can't seem to determine exactly how tiny they are.
After the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) took a 2 year hiatus to up its power, it's finally back, and it's ...
Feynman was at times called "The Great Explainer" because of his skill at making complex subjects accessible to students, and ...
Fantastic news for physics lovers: pretty much all particle physics articles will now be open-source, thanks to a deal between ...
Dmitri Krioukov, a physicist at University of California in San Diego, was recently fined by a police officer for allegedly driving ...
The team operating the Antihydrogen Laser Physics Apparatus (ALPHA) at the CERN laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland reported storing antimatter for ...
I recently came into the possession of a book called 'Visions of the Multiverse', which I had the pleasure of ...
In a world where the king words are 'buy low, sell high', speed is of upmost importance. Stock trading has ...
A supernova is a stellar explosion of cosmic proportions, that often can outshine the entire galaxy it is located in, ...
A team of physicists from the University of Bonn developed a totally new type of source of light, the so ...
For physicists, antimatter is probably the most valuable substance ever; the slightest bit of it could provide extremely valuable information ...
Storm elves and sprites are electric luminous fleeting phenomena that sometimes naturally occur in the upper atmosphere. A team of ...
The first touchable scientific results of the Herschel infrared space observatory are spectacular indeed; not only is it showing previously ...
The discovery of 9 new planets raises some serious questions on the matter of how planets are formed. Two astronomers ...
"It's a great day to be a particle physicist," said CERN director general Rolf Heuer. "A lot of people have ...
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity is already in its 7th year on Mars, and over the years it provided some ...
Whether intelligent life exists in our universe is a long debated problem. But for some scientists, there's something even more ...
Pluto is so upset that it's no longer a planet, that it's turning all red with anger ! No, seriously. ...
Researchers from Yale University succeeded in what seemed to be an impossible task: they've created a transistor from a single ...
As I was writing in a previous post, Titan is quite unique, in that aside from our planet it's the ...
Since the Large Hadron Collider went back in business, all sort of rumors have been circling the scientific circles (and ...