No Sun? No Problem! Scientists Grow Plants Using Electricity Instead
Electricity could replace sunlight in growing crops, potentially transforming global agriculture.
Electricity could replace sunlight in growing crops, potentially transforming global agriculture.
Unlike most plants that work together with fungi, these orchids have evolved to steal nutrients from them.
The microfossils in Australia contain the earliest evidence of photosynthesis-related structures.
Scientists raise the alarm after they found global heating could impair photosynthesis in tropical forests, ushering in potentially irreversible changes.
It's a welcome addition to solving the climate crisis.
We all got to eat, right?
It's not yet deployable on a mass scale, but at least we know it works.
A little help from life goes a long way.
Lifestyle so green it shows through its skin.
Trees aren't obsolete yet but this hybrid system can do amazing things.
Currently only works with blue light, but they're working on fixing that.
Fossil fuels could soon be a thing of the past.
Photosynthesis is maybe the most important chemical process on Earth, turning sunlight and CO2 into the oxygen we breath and ...
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Bacteria living in obscure environments use an extremely rare process to harvest energy and produce oxygen from sunlight - but they ...
For billions of years, nature has been harnessing the energy from the sun through photosynthesis. This way, plants, algae and ...
While scientists have been studying and incrementally increasing solar cell efficiency, we've yet to reach nature's magnitude of solar energy ...
What nature seems to perform effortlessly with photosynthesis has proven to be an immense hurdle for scientists trying to mimic ...
For years scientists have hypothesized that a rise in CO2 levels will cause the world's forests to use water more ...
When you think about photosynthesis, the color green probably comes to mind - almost all plants are green, and they ...
Scientists at Cornell University may have stumbled across the cornucopia gene for crops, after scientific investigations revealed that a certain ...
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If you're reading this post via e-mail or RSS, please visit the post's page on the website to view the ...
If harnessed at a much greater potential than it is now, sunlight might not only become the primary source of ...
The sun is the biggest source of energy on our planet, and it's all natural. It's enough to realize that ...
As any fourth grader will tell you, photosynthesis is (in layman terms), the process through which plants (and bacteria, algae, ...