‘Mononoke Tilefish’ — New Deep-Sea Species Named After Legendary Studio Ghibli Princess
The Mononoke tilefish, Branchiostegus sanae, sports striking facial markings reminiscent of San’s tribal paint, symbolizing a call for marine conservation.
The Mononoke tilefish, Branchiostegus sanae, sports striking facial markings reminiscent of San’s tribal paint, symbolizing a call for marine conservation.
For millions of years, one of the largest power law distributions known in nature has governed marine life -- that's ...
Ever seen a sawfish? Chances are you didn't because they're very endangered.
50 years ago, if you took a cod from European waters, you'd have to cut it to be able to ...
Just 9% of the millions of tonnes of fish caught by China's giant fishing fleet in international waters (most notably ...
Overfishing is a dramatic problem in most areas of the oceans, and many people are desperately trying to protect what's ...