Using public transportation reduces obesity and makes people healthier
Driving around all day is pretty bad for your health -- and for the environment.
Driving around all day is pretty bad for your health -- and for the environment.
Pass me some of that fat.
More than half of American's calories come from ultra-processed foods, a new study finds. The data also indicates close to ...
A laboratory study on rats found that the animals that breathed Beijing's notoriously polluted air gained weight and showed sighs ...
Our perception does not always reflect reality, as evidenced by numerous studies. The information sent by the eyes to the ...
Throughout our hunter-forager days, humans have developed a subconscious urge to over-eat and became less and less psychologically equipped to ...
The fatty acids in fish oil have been proved to help with a wide range of conditions, with WebMD detailing ...
Obesity rates have increased virtually everywhere in the world, especially in the developed world. Some 160 million Americans are obese ...
Exercise is good for you, we all know that. Even better with drugs.
Low and middle-income countries bear the most deaths associated with sugary drink consumption. About 3 out of 4 deaths related ...
The Center for Science in the Public Interest, a nonprofit health advocacy group based in Washington, DC, just released its ...
It's no secret that TV food commercials stimulate pleasure and reward centers in the brain, after all advertisers wouldn't pay ...
Mice that had gut bacteria transferred from other mice fed with a high fat diet changed their behavior in a ...
The topic of obesity inspires quite a bit of discussion, as well it should. The claim that North America is ...
A study conducted on a small number of men concluded that the "love hormone" oxytocin may reduce appetite, helping men ...
It's increasingly hard to eat less sugar, as market shelves are filled with sugary products. In the past ten years ...
A new study suggests that two very common emulsifiers - chemicals that stabilize foods and stop products like mayo from ...
In the developed world, obesity is one of the biggest health concerns, so weight loss is one of the hottest ...
It's painfully true by this point that we have a global obesity problem. Over the past 20 years, obesity rates ...
Nutritionists have identified pizza as a major contributor to obesity among young children and adolescents, and caution parents to be ...
Obesity is a huge problem in the developed world, with some places worse off than others (i.e. the US). There ...
A senate panel interviewed Dr. Mehmet Oz on Tuesday regarding his claims of various ‘miracle’ weight loss cures; as a ...
A study has concluded that if obesity is thought of as a disease instead as a problem related to diet/lack ...
There's been a lot of talk about obesity and what it really is, especially after the American Medical Association recently ...
Researchers at Penn State College of Medicine studied the eating habits of overweight women during pregnancy, and found that those ...
Photo: The world is changing awfully fast, and with change expect many paradigms to shift or crumble entirely to ...
Study suggests that children in homes with stressed parents are more likely to gain weight. Photo courtesy of The Guardian ...
It's surprising to me that this has to be said, but ... oh well. If you are obese, you're unhealthy. ...
Previously, it's been shown that obesity can cause changes in the brain, leading some people to over eat food high ...
Despite all the related problems which contribute to obesity such as stress , the main cause is... eating too much. ...
(c) After they identified precise groups of cells in mice brain that induce eating and others that curb it, ...
Counter the popular dictum "out of sight, out of mind", Kerri Boutelle, professor of psychiatry and pediatrics at University of California, ...
Western society is becoming ever sedentary, as more and more jobs have transitioned to the office and technology offers people ...
I always find it funny when something says "zero fat", but has tons of sugar in it. Sugar is addictive, ...
I really liked New York's mayor Bloomberg campaign of limiting sugary drink consumption, but that didn't really work out as ...
Researchers looked at data that described people involved in car accidents and, after balancing factors like airbag and seat belt, ...
There are a number of factors that lead to obesity, the most obvious of which is of course eating too ...
The latin phrase "mens sana in corpore sano" has been put to the test by researchers who wanted to study ...
Due to the rising of the phenomena, there has been a surge in the studies concerning obesity; there are, of ...
According to a recently published study reported by Swedish scientists, people who are obese and middle aged are up to ...
According to a research conducted by anthropologists from Arizona State University, there seems to be a big increase in the ...
Obesity is a condition that affects a significant portion of people throughout the world; as a result, a whole industry ...
According to a research conducted by researchers from the Cornell University the portions and the plates depicted in more than ...
Obesity is a problem that's taking bigger and bigger proportions (especially in the US), due mostly to fast food and ...
A recent study conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that obesity related disorders account for ...
Whether you want to admit it or now, the world (and most of all America) has a problem with obesity. ...