Why some skunks are losing their black-and-white stripes (and why this is good news for skunks)
Skunks' stripes fade in safer environments, showing how less danger leads to evolutionary changes in warning coloration.
Skunks' stripes fade in safer environments, showing how less danger leads to evolutionary changes in warning coloration.
The mechanisms of evolution may change according to the challenges of the environment.
Even in a world of absolute equals, small strokes of luck can shape survival and evolutionary success in nature.
Ethanol is more than a human invention. New research reveals how animals across ecosystems encounter and adapt to ethanol.
It's one of the most revolutionary theories in science.
The effect of sexual selection on females has been largely ignored in favor of the more pronounced and obvious effect ...
Scientists have discovered an underlying molecular link between venom glands in snakes and salivary glands in mammals.
Nature has a way of pressuring creatures to adapt to their environments over generations.
Sometimes, it's good to remember that even evolution doesn't want you to be perfect. Good enough is just fine.
Natural selection fosters certain qualities so aliens shouldn't look extremely different from humans.
Once with the advent of agriculture, and its spread to Europe from the Near East, human society was transformed forever. ...
Scientists have made a significant step towards developing fully artificial life - for the first time, they demonstrated evolution in a ...
Charle's Darwin's original notes during which he first scribbled down the ideas which led to evolution have been digitized and ...
An exceptional Biologists duo who have studying an ecosystem from the Galapagos Islands for the past 40 years have made ...
Though Siberia stretches across about 10% of the world's land surface, it's only occupied by 0.5% of the world's population, ...
Evolution, in very loose lines, is defined as the process which allows a species to survive by passing on the ...