New data suggests our galaxy may reside in an immense basin of gravitational attraction far larger than Laniākea.
Stars near the Milky Way's core may employ an exotic reaction involving dark matter to extended their lifetimes virtually indefinitely.
Some stars in the chaotic heart of the Milky Way consume one another and it makes them look young again.
A new view of the Milky Way sees through neutrinos.
Images from the Event Horizon Telescope prove that the compact radio source at the heart of the Milky Way, Sagittarius ...
The Milky Way isn't exactly a young buck.
With the Gaia observatory data, we know a recent merge happened in our galaxy.
The new observations are 20 times closer and sharper than ever before.
The signals don't match any known source. It could be an entirely new cosmic object.
If galaxies were human, GN-z11 would want you to get off its lawn.
The 10 billion-year-old fossil was named Heracles after the Greek Hero who was made immortal when the Milky Way was ...
Astronomers have discovered a free-floating planet, not associated with any parent star wandering our galaxy.
Shell-like structures in the Milky Way were created when a dwarf galaxy plunged through our galaxy’s heart around 3 billion ...
The Hubble Space Telescope has captured a stunning close-up image of comet NEOWISE, which recently captured the public’s imagination becoming ...
We might have to revise the commonly accepted image of planets orbiting a parent star.
The halo surrounding the Milky Way may be much hotter than originally thought.
The stars in the same triple system as the black hole are so close they can be seen with the ...
Astronomers have identified a runaway star travelling at an incredible 6 million kilometres per hour, ejected by the supermassive black ...
The Milky Way's shape resembles that of a hat with the brim down in front and up in back.
A brave star and a supermassive black hole confirm Einstein's theory of general relativity.
The new study explains why our galaxy doesn't travel with the expansion of the universe.
The study might help scientists understand how galaxies evolve.
Torque is warping the galaxy's outer disk in an S-shape.
And this could prove the perfect opportunity to identify the elusive form of matter.
The same should happen six billion years from now when the Milky Way merges with Andromeda.
These flares should correspond to the point of no return for the Milky Way's supermassive black hole.
Astronomers unravel a gruesome galactic murder... and we might be next!
The findings could topple our current understanding of how galaxies merge.
A breakthrough moment in astronomy.
Our galaxy still holds many secrets.
Scientists gain new insight into mysterious cloud formations traveling around the galaxy.
The Milky Way just got an ego boost.
If confirmed, this could indicate a remarkable progress in modern physics.
Drawn by gravity, a dwarf galaxy pair is leaving the void for a more crowded region of the universe.
The findings could reveal the location of the missing matter of our universe.
Of these planets, four are believed to potentially be similar to Earth.
Astronomers find the parent of an orphan planet. The finding makes the solar system the biggest in the galaxy.
The Milky Way has been around for at least 13.7 billion years, but it has its younger and older areas.
After five years of painstakingly stitching together pictures of the Milky Way, astronomers from Ruhr University Bochum have finally completed ...
It is generally accepted that our galaxy has a diameter of nearly 100,000 light-years. However, findings of a new research, published ...
Based on latest evidence and calculations, our entire galaxy, the Milky Way, might be a a huge wormhole, stable and ...
The Laniakea Supercluster shown its equatorial plane. Image: CEA/Saclay, France Our sun is but a tiny speck of light among ...
A star like our Sun is shown with an orbiting planet in the foreground in this artist's impression. Image credit: ...
The European Space Agency's billion-dollar star surveyor 'Gaia' is now in its operational orbit around a gravitationally stable virtual point ...
There has been a debate over the number of spiral arms the Milky Way galaxies has, due to mixed results ...
Researchers have, for the first time, calculated the distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud, a galaxy neighboring the Milky Way. ...
In a novel and highly praised research, a team of astronomers have managed to estimate the mass of our host ...
The European Southern Observatory has captured and analyzed an image of the center of our galaxy which, if printed at ...