This study shows why you should never eat from a plastic container
Leached microplastics from hot plastic containers may disrupt your gut microbiome.
Leached microplastics from hot plastic containers may disrupt your gut microbiome.
From the air we breathe to the water we drink, microplastics infiltrate every corner of our lives—but what happens when ...
Researchers reveal microplastics can influence cloud formation, potentially affecting weather and climate systems
U.S. researchers found microplastic particles in dolphin breath, raising new concerns about ocean pollution.
A simple trick you can do at home can clean your water from the vast majority of microplastics.
No escape from microplastics.
The findings underscore the potential peril of plastic pollution for male fertility and human health.
We knew microplastic pollution was a problem, but it's a bigger problem than we thought.
Water bottles are filled with thousands of tiny plastic particles.
Microplastics are not just transported by water. They can me moved by the air, ending in the snow.
This brings us one step closer to an Earth without plastic pollution.
Microplastics are everywhere, and we're only starting to discover the problems they cause.
Maybe not man but robots can save the world from plastic.
Plastic pollution is a huge problem, but it could unexpectedly help solve another major challenge: antibiotic-resistanc superbugs.
We might have unknowingly been dumping huge quantities of microplastics on our croplands.
Plastic pollution is a massive problem, so we have to come up with new and creative ways forward.
Microplastics get into our bodies, potentially altering how certain cells convert sugar into energy, especially in the gut. Continued ingestion ...
There are some concerns regarding the use of this tech near marine life, but the concept works.
It's big enough to know something is happening. But we're still unsure exactly what.
The impact on their health is unclear but it can’t be too good.
Bad news for sushi.
Microplastics have been discovered from the depths of the ocean all the way to the highest mountain on Earth.
Although this may sound alarming, scientists say that parents shouldn't necessarily be concerned.
Some of these tiny particles travel as far as the Arctic, accelerating melting in remote snow- and ice-covered regions.
Plastic waste could impact our crops.
Please stop, plastics.
Researchers found fragments of plastic in sea spray.
Plastic deposits in the soil have increased exponentially sine WWII, doubling every 15 years.
Flowing through rivers and oceans, plastic waste has become an important environmental threat across the globe.
Thrash we've thrown away years ago is killing ocean life as you're reading this.
This could be a very bad development.
Just throw them in the trash if you don't want them on your plate later on.
It should basically be called Arctic sea plastic by now.
Plastic bags, bottle caps and plastic fibres are among the myriad of micro plastic debris that wash out into the ...