A Meteor Crashed Into Mars and Sent Shockwaves Racing Across the Planet. It Apparently Happens More Often Than We Thought
There's a hidden "seismic highway" beneath Mars' surface.
There's a hidden "seismic highway" beneath Mars' surface.
Krotite is a cosmic relic, one of the oldest minerals in the Solar System, formed under fiery conditions in the ...
In the year 2,000, a Chinese dealer purchased an unusual-looking rock weighing around a ton. He cleaned it off, removing ...
An unassuming Google Maps user might have found an ancient asteroid impact site hidden in the mountains of Canada.
These iron objects in ancient Egypt date to 2-3 millennia BC. But the earliest evidence of smelting appeared much later, ...
Forget about killer asteroids for a second. Most of the extraterrestrial matter on Earth is invisible to the naked eye.
It's so ancient it could help us understand the building blocks of planets.
They killed the dinosaurs but might have also kicked off life as we know it.
Any sign of this ancient onslaught has been erased from the surface of Earth, but the moon still has the ...
A rare form of an iron-carbide mineral was found by researchers
That's pretty metal.
It's one of the oldest meteorite impacts ever discovered.
No word on how much one of these shows will cost just yet.
The meteorite only lives as it is falling.
A meteorite might have slammed into the island as early as 12,000 years ago.
It's older than Earth itself!
Asteroids have families too.
We don't know much about how life bounces back after such a dramatic event.
New images may be posing more questions than they answer.
The meteorite will be used in NASA's ambitious Mars 2020 mission.
It's raining money. Incandescent, rocky money.
Why spread your seed across the Earth when you can spread it across space?
A unique cosmic stone challenges what we know about how the solar system formed.
While taking its usual stroll on Mars, the Curiosity Rover found something unexpected: a dark, smooth meteorite.
This puppy must have made some damage.
Mars has over 250,000 craters created by asteroid impacts, the Moon has millions - too many to count. But the ...
For decades, astronomers have believed that meteorites are the building blocks of our solar system - the lego blocks for ...
The Sylacauga meteorite fell on November 30, 1954, at 14:46 local time (18:46 UT) in Oak Grove, Alabama, near Sylacauga. ...
Anders Helstrup and several other members of Oslo Parachute Club were expecting a good time, and no major events when ...
A piece of rock traveling at at 61,000 km/h punched a crater 40 metres wide on the surface of the ...
Chesapeake Bay is one of the few oceanic impact craters on Earth When the huge impact took place ~35 million ...
At the beginning of the year the most powerful meteoroid strike since the infamous Tunguska event took place in Russia, ...
You may have heard about the Tunguska event - a huge blast of energy which occurred in 1908 over Russia and flattened ...
In March, a medium sized meteorite slammed into the moon's surface causing the greatest explosion observed thus far, ever since ...
There are millions of asteroids in our solar system. Be them the size of France or a small bus, these ...
Ok, so big news on the horizon: alien life forms have been found in a meteorite that recently crashed in ...
A new analysis of data from NASA's Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) shows that molten rock created by lunar impacts ...
Most of us likely own a phone that has more computing power than that available for the entire Apollo mission ...
I realize we're maybe bugging some of you with these constant asteroid/meteor pieces here on ZME Science, but for what's ...
The recent historical flyby of 2012 D14 - the largest asteroid ever to pass this close to Earth in recorded ...
Using 21st century nanotechnology, researchers have discovered a new mineral in samples from a meteorite discovered in Antarctica in 1969. ...
Close, but not too close - an asteroid like that can crash on our planet every 1200 years, but there's ...
The cold, lifeless Vesta asteroid might be a lot more like our planet than astronomers believed - having a very ...
The Apophis meteorite was named after an Egyptian demon of destruction, and for good reason - every now and then, ...
Vesta is "peppered" with carbon materials which researchers believe were left behind by asteroids gently striking its surface. Vesta is ...
A Buddhist statue brought to Germany by a Nazi expedition to Tibet has been proven to be of extraterrestrial origin. ...
This four pound geological marvel, captioned above, is what's commonly reffered to as a lunar meteorite. And like all things ...
Researchers have found evidence that the crater in case was formed when the ground was slammed by a massive meteorite, ...
A new study conducted by NASA indicates that large molecules containing carbon came to Earth from Mars - molecules which ...