A Meteor Crashed Into Mars and Sent Shockwaves Racing Across the Planet. It Apparently Happens More Often Than We Thought
There's a hidden "seismic highway" beneath Mars' surface.
There's a hidden "seismic highway" beneath Mars' surface.
Krotite is a cosmic relic, one of the oldest minerals in the Solar System, formed under fiery conditions in the ...
When asteroids hit the Earth, they leave behind spectacular geological landmarks.
The meteorite only lives as it is falling.
But this could spell trouble for some satellites.
Monday night, a meteor put on a big show above Queensland.
One Japanese startup is planning one hell of a fireworks show for the official opening of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic ...
Anders Helstrup and several other members of Oslo Parachute Club were expecting a good time, and no major events when ...
At the beginning of the year the most powerful meteoroid strike since the infamous Tunguska event took place in Russia, ...
The high temperatures of the meteorite impact 12,900 years ago produced mm-sized spherules of melted glass with the mullite and ...
You may have heard about the Tunguska event - a huge blast of energy which occurred in 1908 over Russia and flattened ...
In March, a medium sized meteorite slammed into the moon's surface causing the greatest explosion observed thus far, ever since ...
I realize we're maybe bugging some of you with these constant asteroid/meteor pieces here on ZME Science, but for what's ...
The recent historical flyby of 2012 D14 - the largest asteroid ever to pass this close to Earth in recorded ...
Since last Sunday, Halley's comet offspring have been swirling through the night sky delighting star gazers all around the world. This coming ...
This four pound geological marvel, captioned above, is what's commonly reffered to as a lunar meteorite. And like all things ...
A moonless night might offer the best setting for the best view of the upcoming Lyrid meteor shower in years ...
I was lucky enough this weekend to be away from the city and at an altitude of about 1800m, deep ...
In a relevant display of NASA's fireball-observing network capabilities, a set of automatic robotic cameras caught a man-sized meteor as ...
The strangest meteor shower one can observe every year is almost upon us. Geminids is the only meteor shower that ...
A very small asteroid exploded over the continent of Africa this week, confirming the prediction of astronomers. Despite the fact ...
After the "crash site" in Peru, meteorites keep the headlines again! This time, scientists from the University of Oxford and ...
Astronomers from the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario have spotted (with the aid of cameras, of course) a ...