You’ve heard of the Mediterranean Diet, but the Atlantic Diet is probably even better
The Mediterranean Diet will always be a gold standard, but it’s time to put the Atlantic Diet on the map.
The Mediterranean Diet will always be a gold standard, but it’s time to put the Atlantic Diet on the map.
This "new" diet has been around for thousands of years.
What we eat matters, with overall effects on our mind and body
The 'greener' version of the Mediterranean diet may be even more efficient.
It can reduce the rate of decline in cognitive functions by half, the authors found.
Healthy mind in healthy body.
Want to help your body fight pollution? Cut down on the meat and dairy, eat some more fruits and veggies!
A new study conducted by Harvard scientists concluded that moderate consumption of alcohol (moderate!) can lead to lower risk of ...
A Mediterranean diet high in olive oil, nuts, fish and fresh fruits and vegetables helps prevent strokes and other heart ...