European female frogs fake their own death to avoid mating with aggressive males
These amphibian ladies will resort to extreme tactics if that means avoiding pestering males.
These amphibian ladies will resort to extreme tactics if that means avoiding pestering males.
In bird love, it pays to be bold.
Olive sea snakes may charge at human divers because they mistake them for rival males or potential mates.
The same anti-aphrodisiac is produced by some plants to attract butterflies. Despite the contradiction, the chemical signaling seems to work ...
If you're horny and you know it clap your... flippers?
When sexual selection favors the loud.
A perfect example of a sexual arms race in the animal kingdom.
Just let me get Tinder like everybody else, Mom. Sheesh.
Those majestic lions, with a harem of females? They're just compensating for something.
Swipe, swipe, swipe, banana.
Humans too engage in assortative mating, scientists find.
A new study of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), a deadly fungus which affects amphibians worldwide, found that it spreads by making ...
Birds are literally dinosaurs, so many scientists suspect millions of years ago dinosaurs shared similar courtship tactics like fancy plumage ...
Self-preservation and reproduction are the most powerful instincts, and life forms on Earth have devised all sorts of gimmicks and ...
Picking a mate is one of the most important decisions anyone (human or animal) makes in a lifetime, so it's ...
Blue whales are not only the biggest living creatures in the world right now, but the biggest ever to have ...
In the past the sea was considered a truly miraculous place especially as many phenomena seemed to have no logical ...