Our Schools Have a Problem: Textbook Math Doesn’t Help in Real Life — and Vice Versa
While market-working kids in India excel at mental calculations, they struggle with textbook math — while schoolchildren fail at simple ...
While market-working kids in India excel at mental calculations, they struggle with textbook math — while schoolchildren fail at simple ...
Estimate anything in the world with a napkin and a pen.
How two new strange infinities challenge mathematical order.
Researchers find a mathematical key to understanding how AI makes decisions.
The Futurama Theorem is one of the most fascinating crossovers between academia and pop culture.
Mathematician claims to have cracked the annoying puzzle of fitting a sofa around a corner.
Turns out that monkeys (or chimps) can't randomly type Shakespeare's works even if they were given billions of years to ...
DeepMind's AI achieves medal-level performance in the International Mathematical Olympiad
It's a major breakthrough in both math and physics.
What if I told you you can prove a statement without revealing anything about that statement itself?
If you're not a fan of straight lines, you'll love Pi.
The findings suggest that gender differences in math are socially-induced rather than innately biological.
The researchers were inspired by Srinivasa Ramanujan who made 6,165 conjectures before he died at 32.
42 may or may not be the answer to everything -- but it's definitely a solution for this math problem.
Don't let your brain put real-life information into math problems.
The beauty of math is embedded in nature.
We need more kings awarding prizes to people in STEM.
She brought a new understanding of mathematics, while helping to change a corrosive culture in academia.
An anime math problem? My favorite.
A problem that turned out to have more sides than initially thought.
Can you find the solution to this delicious math problem?
It all started with an intriguing post on Reddit.
Talk about a special mind.
Who would have guessed tiling is so complex?
As far as modern tech and know-how is concerned, zero is the hero.
"The laws of mathematics are very commendable but the only law that applies in Australia is the law of Australia."
It's all in the grain size.
You now have a new excuse for failing math.
Mathematics is a very powerful tool to create beautiful works of art.
No matter how bad you are at math, you should be able to recognize an equation when you see it, ...
If you're left-handed, some of the simplest and most mundane things can be an ordeal. Scissors are awful, musical instruments ...
Both bathroom decorators and mathematicians have a reason to rejoice (how often does that happen?). Using a computer algorithm, a ...
In a recent TED talk, Hannah Fry outlines a mathematical formula that predicts long-lasting relationships. In her recent book, The ...
Mathematics is considered a problematic vocation, because, let's face it, mathematicians can be weird. But that's mostly because people don't ...
Whaaaat? It's just a matter of math, really. Fold an A4 once and it will be twice as thick, fold ...
Shinichi Mochizuki of Kyoto University, Japan claims he has proven the ABC conjecture, one of the longest standing mysteries of ...
Researchers at Swansea University, UK and Uppsala University in Sweden built a mathematical model that explains how one single sheepdog ...
Maryam Mirzakhani, who was born and raised in Iran, has been awarded the highest honour a mathematician can attain: the ...
Photo: PNAS It's long been supposed that monkeys are capable of mental arithmetics, but it was only recently that this ...
photo credit: Mukumbura Norway’s Magnus Carlsen and India’s Viswanathan Anand are duking it out in the world championship, apparently, without ...
A 52-year-old, part-time graduate student with no previous training in psychology and little training in math aside from high-school has ...
Scientists trying to pinpoint the origin of life have been looking at it the wrong way, a new study claims. ...
For many of us, mathematics comes with a feeling of anxiety, not while actually performing math, but beforehand in anticipation. ...
You're not the only that doesn't like math, it seems. A new study from scientists at Bristol’s School of Biological Sciences ...
The Fourier transformation is arguably the most important algorithm in information technology, with immense applications as well in optics, signal ...
One of my favorite past times is filling sudoku puzzles. There's something about this seemingly simple, yet challenging, dance of ...
Currently, only about 30% percent of the total scientific workforce is comprised of female scientists. Thousands of years of cultural ...
Girls like pink, boys like blue. Girls have long hair, boys have short hair. And so on, so on - ...
Don't imagine a yellow, puffy golden chick doing complicated equations (as awesome as that would be) as it would be ...