Can this futuristic fabric make climate heating more bearable?
We absolutely need this on those hot summer days.
We absolutely need this on those hot summer days.
Researchers have created a version of washi that is not only stronger, but also completely biodegradable.
It can withstand almost any kind of heat you throw at it.
This is the first time such a material has been developed.
When jammed, the chainmail particles stiffen into a fabric that can support a load 50 times its weight.
It all depends on where we get the timber, though.
No helmet is injury-proof -- but this could make quite a difference.
Green toys are the best toys.
Wooden't you try this building material?
A new type of metamaterial that can grow when stretched, with possible applications for medical equipment and satellites, was inspired ...
Mantis shrimp are probably best known for the dazzling colors that adorn their shells. The second thing they're best known ...
The rest of the 1% is made up of hallow tubes of nickel. So, this makes for a very rigid, ...
According to a new study, limpet teeth may be the strongest material known to man, stronger than spider silk or ...
Some findings are just counterintuitive. I mean, you'd think that adding water to materials would always make them softer, right ...
Is there something that graphene can't do? It's the world's strongest material, even when it has flaws, a graphene aerogel ...
Pound for pound, spider silk is one of the strongest materials in the world; it's about five times stronger than ...