Mars has huge amounts of water hidden beneath its surface — and perhaps life too
There may be an ocean's worth of water trapped inside rocks miles below the surface.
There may be an ocean's worth of water trapped inside rocks miles below the surface.
There's a hidden "seismic highway" beneath Mars' surface.
Mars' dust may be key to understanding the planet's watery past.
GPR data from China's Zhurong rover reveals Mars once had beaches and waves pointing to a global ocean.
Ancient ripples suggest a warmer, wetter past for the Red Planet that supported open water on its surface.
Mars is a strange place and any humans born there are bound to look radically different over thousands or even ...
Noctis Mons marks a monumental volcanic discovery on Mars, reshaping our understanding of the Red Planet's geology.
Mars isn’t just a cold, barren rock. Anthropologists argue that the tracks of rovers and broken probes are archaeological treasures.
Warm days may ignite the Red Planet’s huge dust storms.
A zircon crystal from a Martian meteorite unlocks secrets of a water-rich, dynamic Mars 4.45 billion years ago.
Researchers conclude that a nearshore zone once existed in Utopia Planitia.
A new study calculates where photosynthetic microbes might survive under Martian ice.
"Freya Castle" is unlike any rock seen before on the Red Planet.
Mars' surface may hide evidence of volcanoes that are still active.
They're not actual spiders, of course, but rather strange geological features.
Mars may have oceans' worth of water — but it's more than 10 km under the surface.
Could pharmaceutical shelf lives be a setback for a trip to the Red Planet?
Curiosity delivers once again.
Scientists are buzzing with excitement over this concept.
Syntrichia caninervis has a real gift for bouncing back to life.
"I’d say that while an astronaut could make it to Mars they might need dialysis on the way back," researchers ...
Who knew a Martian meteorite could be so pretty?
Could this be a gateway to subterranean shelters for future explorers?
Liquid water on ancient Mars seems to be essentially confirmed now.
Ever wondered what volcanoes on other worlds look like? Well, look no further! Image via Reddit. Source: NASA / ESA. ...
We thought Mars was geologically "dead" and we may be wrong.
Mars is bombarded by a ton of radiation. But cave entrances block most of these dangerous rays.
The minimum number of people may be even lower — but only if the participants are mentally stable.
Could mud cracks have meant seasonal climate patterns on the Red Planet?
Remote sensing reveals the intensity of past and present river flows on other worlds.
Caltech's 5.7 terapixel mosaic is the ultimate Mars map.
The rover captured a stunning sunset at the start of a new cloud-imaging campaign
Here is a lizard-inspired robot that is as creepy and fascinating as real lizards, and wishes to explore Mars.
It's been a very productive four years. Enjoy your retirement, InSight.
Mars' geology isn't quite as funky as Earth's -- but it's not all that plain either.
Mars is turning out to be a more interesting place than we thought.
If microbes can do this, we should be particularly worried with our own impact on the climate.
This is important both for our search for life, and for potential contamination of the Red Planet.
Hydrogen-hungry microbes may have saturated the Martian atmosphere with methane, triggering a terrible ice age.
The powerful space telescope used its potent infrared instruments to reveal unseen features from both Mars' surface and atmosphere.
This isn't proof that Mars used to harbor life, but it does help support that hypothesis.
This research proves that Mars used to have quite a lot of surface water.
Wherever humans go, trash follows.
We should not be surprised that some of the innumerable rocks on Mars have weird shapes, because many have been ...
Everything we need to build stuff would already be available on Mars.
The magnitude 5 quake might only shake a glass of water here on Earth, but it's a big deal on ...
From its birds' eye view, Ingenuity is offering precious information.
Turns out, nuclear power isn't actually the best option for supplying a settlement on Mars with energy.
Study compared solar with nuclear, which had previously been suggested as the best option