Invisible danger: Indoor wood burning raises lung cancer risk for women
Using wood for heating and cooking is more common than we think
Using wood for heating and cooking is more common than we think
Its a surprising but effective strategy.
Absence of symptoms does not necessarily mean absence of harm.
We don't think about breathing -- but it's a complex process that could help us one-day make hydrogen gas more ...
It's a landmark achievement in regenerative medicine.
Coal workers' pneumoconiosis (CWP), commonly called black lung disease, is caused by long exposure to coal dust and can have devastating ...
Sighing is a fundamental biological reflex that's a lot more important than most people care to think. We don't just ...
Stem cells were coaxed to grow into 3D dimensional mini lungs, or organoids, for the first time. These survived for ...
Photo: Researchers at the National Research Foundation of Korea report on Sunday that they have identified a new microRNA ...
Photo: Ocean Networks Canada Without oxygen, your brain would shutdown within five minutes or so and you, as a person, ...
Testing drugs on 3-D printed human tissue might significantly improve drug research.
Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis and the University of Iowa have found out that we don't just smell ...
Biotechnology is growing fast and the findings researchers are making the field are nothing short of breathtaking. Previously, ZME Science ...