Do dogs have a favorite color? New study suggests it might be yellow
A dog might skip a better meal just to eat from a bowl in his favorite color — yellow.
A dog might skip a better meal just to eat from a bowl in his favorite color — yellow.
While market-working kids in India excel at mental calculations, they struggle with textbook math — while schoolchildren fail at simple ...
First images shared hours after the landing reveal a pockmarked surface
Countless families of modest means around the world can stand to benefit from this development.
There’s still a long way to go, but it’s a first step in the nation of almost 1.4 billion people
The country has seen its hottest March in 122 years, and this is expected to continue
While the country may not reach full vaccination by the end of the year, it's definitely making progress.
Experts fear even this is an undercount.
Burning farmland and fossil fuel pollution are polluting the air, and the smog will remain in place for another month.
Glowing is always in fashion.
People's beliefs have to be addressed as part of any (successful) energy transition.
It has already been authorized for commercial use and could be a game changer.
No sign of things slowing down in the most affected countries.
Women prefer to marry government employees who have a more stable income.
One Hindu proverb says that there are many paths up the mountain, all leading to the same place. Only fools ...
The coronavirus isn't the only pandemic running amok.
Are we breathing clean air? If you are in India or China probably not.
A beautiful snake of which we know very little.
It's one of the world's largest running conflicts. But why is it happening?
This would be the world's largest experiment of this type.
The United States will likely never be able to catch up with China.
The new insurance scheme -- dubbed "Modicare" -- will offer free medical services to 500 million citizens.
India's groundwater problems are getting worse and worse.
The WHO has previously placed this virus on its watchlist of pathogens with high "epidemic potential" and no known treatment.
As far as modern tech and know-how is concerned, zero is the hero.
There's more to it than meets the eye.
The poor are disproportionately affected.
The more you do it, the better it gets.
Coal is losing more and more ground.
China and India are fast becoming climate champions. Who would have thought?
India wants 100GW of solar and wind to come online by 2022.
I can't even muster enough willpower to count up to 104.
India's space agency is taking huge strides forward.
An archeologist studying Irish iron-age musical horns has found a very surprising correspondent of the ancient musical arts in Europe: ...
We may be reaching a historic moment.
India-based company Bakeys has started producing edible spoons to try and fight world-wide plastic waste from disposable cutlery. Not only ...
A possible game changer - 120 country alliance spearheaded by India and supported by France has been announced, with the ...
Defecating outside comes at a great toll to the numerous, and often crowded Indian people. Lack of basic hygiene means ...
The third largest emitter of carbon emissions, India, pledged it would reduce its emissions relative to its GDP between 33 ...
After they analyzed more than 2,000 traditional Indian recipes down to the molecular levels, scientists now think they know what ...
Another boost for India's low-cost, but extremely promising, space program took place this morning after the country launched its first ...
India is among the most polluted country in the world, a direct consequence of its growth-orientated policy. Despite economic growth, ...
After a continuous decline in numbers, tigers are finally getting some good news. Indian authorities have announced that the number ...
Owing to its mass deployment of coal burning plants and the 7.4 million cars that fill its roads, Delhi now ...
We were telling you a while ago how India launched a probe towards Mars, and how it was successful in ...
We were telling you yesterday about India's Mangalyaan shuttle, which was set to enter Martian orbit. Here's the update: everything went fine, Mangalyaan ...
India's Mars Orbiter Mission or MOM, for short, is gearing up to enter Mars' orbit this Wednesday, after the dormant ...
Smog in India. Ozone, the main component of smog, is a plant-damaging pollutant formed by emissions from vehicles, cooking stoves ...