Horse archaeology shows London’s elite scouted horses from the entire continent
A new site in medieval England shows how different these special breeds were compared to “regular” horses.
A new site in medieval England shows how different these special breeds were compared to “regular” horses.
The wells are often the only source of water for miles in the middle of a scorching desert.
A 40,000-year-old baby horse recovered from Siberian ice may help de-extinct species.
The baby horse still has its fur coat and hoofs.
Horses continue to be central to Mongolian daily life even thousands of years later.
Instead of the domesticated horses deriving from today's wild horses, it's the other way around.
Gentlemanly rules for an ancient sport.
Horses are arguably one of the most helpful animals man has ever managed to domesticate. At first they were used ...
Bergmann’s rule states that mammals of a given genus or species are smaller in hotter climates, and bigger in colder climates. ...
The black and white spotted horses found on cave paintings existed during the last ice age, some 25.000 years ago, ...