Why Can’t We Remember Our Lives as Babies? Our Earliest Memories May Still be There
New research suggests infants can form memories far earlier than previously thought, but where do they go?
New research suggests infants can form memories far earlier than previously thought, but where do they go?
Such research can make us better understand how depression arises in the brain.
Just one week of switching to a diet of burgers, waffles, milkshakes, and sugary cereals can be enough to trigger ...
The brain has an auto-complete feature for your memories. The hippocampus handles it.
The results are encouraging given an aging population around the world.
Stress and memory don't mix very well.
Super Mario is better for your brain than taking piano lessons.
Ever tried really hard to pinpoint your very first memory? Doctors say it has something to do with hippocampus overload.
Action games that use in-game GPS do not promote spatial reasoning and can lead to a gray matter decrease in ...
In the hippocampus -- which is weird, because we didn't think it had anything to do with talking.
A groundbreaking research out of the Salk Institute suggests synapses are 10 times bigger in the hippocampus. Conversely, this means ...
Columbia University researchers have successfully identified the cellular network that allows mice to remember which environments are safe and which ...
It's not just us humans that dream of a better future - rats do too. When rats rest, their brains ...
Researchers performed MRI scans on babies to see how their brains developed from birth to later stages. Their findings reveal ...
Photo: neuroanthropology.net - It's estimated that some 8 million people in the United States suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), causing ...
Meditation has been shown to have an impact on brain activity, decreasing beta waves and impacting each part differently. Activity ...
Children are veritable knowledge sponges that can appropriate an intense amount of skills in a short amount of time. As ...
When the brain deems an experience meaningful enough, it will transfer that information from short-term storage, where typically information like ...
From a certain age onward, humans seem to process information at a slower pace - learning new things becomes more difficult, ...
The latin phrase "mens sana in corpore sano" has been put to the test by researchers who wanted to study ...
It's pretty evident for anyone living in a big, crowded city what pollution looks like and to what degree our ...
A team of neuro-scientists have managed to restore lost memories to rats by activating a part of their brains through ...