Taking care of your teeth is also good for your heart health
In recent years, a growing body of research has unveiled a compelling connection between oral health and cardiovascular well-being. While ...
In recent years, a growing body of research has unveiled a compelling connection between oral health and cardiovascular well-being. While ...
A massive new study found that eating more butter is linked to higher mortality.
A team of researchers at UC Irvine has developed an origami-inspired heart valve that grows with toddlers.
New study shows counseling intervention can reduce cardiovascular events in PAD patients.
The step test is a great approximation of cardiovascular fitness at one point in time.
A new study explores why the virus attacks the heart.
Scientists dial in on some factors that make people prone to heart attacks.
Some drugs designed to treat certain conditions can accidentally work for other diseases.
The risk of early death linked with drinking sugary drinks was more pronounced among women.
More and more evidence suggests that zero-calorie drinks may be just as bad as sugary ones.
Unfortunately... not so many good news this time.
Scientists have discovered that nearly 412,000 yearly deaths in the US can be attributed to lead contamination.
Modulating a cocaine pathway dramatically reduced heart damage in mice on cocaine.
Scientists think is that it's triggered by powerful emotional and physical stressors.
Those who work odd hours in shifts risk heart complications.
A decade-long study of thousands of Americans has found direct evidence of how air pollution causes heart disease. The link ...
You can find out a lot about a man by his handshake - about his personality, his feelings towards you, ...
The same genes that are responsible for height have been linked to heart disease as well, according to British researchers ...
According to a study from Women's College Hospital and the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES), Canada, it doesn't matter ...
A study which monitored the health habits of 2,235 men over a 35-year period has found that exercise significantly reduces ...