Humans Lost the Ability to Wiggle Their Ears 25 Million Years Ago, but Your Ear Muscles Still Try
We still try to prick up our ears, scientists discover.
We still try to prick up our ears, scientists discover.
We are closer than ever to reversing hearing loss in humans, here is all the proof you need.
Neanderthals had much better oral communication abilities than their ancestors, resembling those of humans.
Beethoven wrote dozens of symphonies and songs while deaf. But he had some help from a nifty trick.
These freaky looking spiders can sense incoming prey from more than two meters away.
It comes down to the inefficient engines they use.
The paper puts a long-standing debate to rest.
The answer is certainly debated.
First whole-body CT scan of a minke whale yields insights on whale communication
Roosters have evolved soft tissue over the inner ear that protects them from their own clamor.
They can hear you being salty because they can hear everything.
Using an innovative genetic editing technique, researchers have managed to partially restore both heating and balance in mice born with ...
The study might help answer whether neanderthals were capable of the same communication abilities as humans.
Congress was not happy with Bresch's or the FDA's answers.
Wearable tech could save the hearing of thousands of soldiers.
Hear all about it here.
Mice with genetic hearing loss could sense and respond to noises after receiving working copies of their faulty genes, researchers ...
Photo: Listening to loud music has been shown time and time again to affect hearing in a negative way. ...
Hearing loss is a grave healthcare problem around the world, with 50 million cases in the US alone. The most ...
In an exceptional feat of medical and technical ingenuity, scientists have been able to restore partial hearing to deaf gerbils ...
After she suffered a stroke, a 36-year-old professor started to feel sounds. In the beginning she didn't know what was ...