Vulnerable underdeveloped countries fear measures against global warming
Researchers lately pointed out that delaying measures against climate change will make them more expensive and less effective; however, countries ...
Researchers lately pointed out that delaying measures against climate change will make them more expensive and less effective; however, countries ...
If the current pledges under the UN flag to cut carbon emissions are not improved, then it is estimated that ...
In 2009, a rather controversial new wing of the CIA was formed under the climate center moniker. This division was, ...
Amid all the talk about Asia's economic growth and their stable financial future, two major problem arise to cloud their ...
The Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature team has concluded its study, which had the objective of analyzing global temperatures ever since ...
Global warming has significant consequences to Earth's ecosystems, each effect triggering another one in a slew of chain reactions. Frighting enough, rising ...
Record low ice volumes in the arctic caused by global warming have been reported this year, and if there are ...
In the past decade global warming levels have remained stable, despite no significant improvements in green house emissions have been ...
A three year survey that comprised of research flights from the Arctic to the Antarctic comes to an end, successfully ...
For the first time, king crabs have been found on the edge of Antarctica, probably as a result of global ...
Hurricane Irene is believed to be the 10th billion dollar disaster of 2011, which makes it a new record holder, ...
Whether you like him or not, you have to admit that he has been fighting for a noble and important ...
There's only a month until the melt season theoretically melts and the refreezing time begins, but until then, the polar ...
Studying the immense 2007 Anaktuvuk River fire, which burned 401 square miles and becoming the largest tundra fire on record, ...
According to a new study released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), tiny solid and liquid particles in ...
In the past decade, it seems that greenhouse has emissions have remained constant each year, despite no important improvements were ...
There isn't any news for anyone, I hope, that the Earth is on the heater right now, and as time ...
Climate change and over-fishing are held responsible for the swift collapse of coral reefs and the propagation of mass extinction ...
Global warming is not an abstract element, it's not harmless, and it doesn't apply only to polar caps; it affects ...
In a world where accusations like this fly by like pigeons in the park, it was about time someone but ...
Global warming has lowered the global yield of crops with up to 5% since 1980; not for soybeans, or tomatoes, ...
It is no longer a question if multi-meter sea level rises will happen, but only of when. According to the ...
An international research team is in the land of snow and ice, in search of soot or black carbon, in ...
Help! Global warming shows more and more effects with eacy passing day. Russian arctic foxes are threatened by their red ...
The Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature project was launched by physics professor Richard Muller, a long time critic of studies led ...
By means of a new mathematical model, scientists have been able to calculate the displacement of ice in glaciers along ...
Yes, I know there's still a few days until Earth Hour comes, but I just wanted to give you guys ...
The problem of a water shortage has been on the table for quite a while now, and as time passes, ...
To be quite honest, I was never really fond of the man, but ever since he quit his executive positions ...
James Lovelock is one of the world's most brilliant minds alive at the moment; he developed numerous technologies for NASA, ...
The British Antarctic Survey (BAS) published some quite awesome pictures showing that Antarctica isn't the lifeless frozen wasteland most people ...
Most of the talk about global warming revolves around carbon dioxide, sometimes giving the false impression that it alone is ...
Despite whatever you may hear, it's obvious that we still don't have a clear understanding of the impact we're having ...
The threat that global warming is has definetly been underestimated, and if something doesn't develop quite fast that could handle ...
Recently, more and more people are beginning to claim that the melting of glaciers caused by global warming is all ...
Despite of the all the efforts (which by the way, are not as numerous as you may think) which have ...
Global warming is a hot topic everywhere in the world, and probably have ourselves to blame for that. The ...