Human-driven global warming responsible for half of burned forests in the Western U.S.
The planet is on fire.
When everyone is silent, nothing gets done.
The landmark Paris climate agreement has become an official agreement, fulfilling the necessary condition: over 55 countries covering over 55% ...
While many officials are celebrating the climate agreement reached in Paris, the world is still massively heating up.
A new huge source of carbon emissions has been confirmed by scientists.
We'll have some explaining to do when our kids grow up.
This week, New York is the world's capital for climate action.
Partisan belief is promoting anti-science views which might cost us all dearly.
Rats have their part of the blame, but climate change is the main threat.
Scientists showed that consistent global warming started in the 1830s.
The consequences are not known at the moment.
We've become very cynical. "Hottest year? Doh!"
Developing countries, yet again, will be the most vulnerable in the face of such risks.
DiCaprio absolutely killed it -- and we now have the numbers to prove it.
The main cause lies in the lack of available data from the Arctic.
The findings could have implications for the survival of modern animals in the face of global warming.
The UK seems hell bent on making unfortunate decissions.
These movements could in turn help speed up global warming.
Global warming is greening the planet, but there's only so much CO2 plants can absorb.
2016 will go in history as the first year carbon emission stay above 400ppm all year round. I don't think ...
Climate refugees may become more and more common.
Scientists have also quantified the effects of climate change as they relate to oxygen depletion. Their analysis suggests that by ...
It's glorious and depressing at the same time: NASA used its official Facebook account to shut down one user who ...
The Environmental Defense Fund’s Oil and Gas program has released a new nation-wide report of the most common sites of ...
A new study analyzing sea level rise forecasts as well as population growth projections found that we've underestimated just how ...
The saddening story of global warming continues in 2016 like it did in 2015. According to NASA, this January was ...
Today, sea levels rise at a rate double that recorded in the 20th century. That's a lot, but not nearly ...
Image via CBS. There's almost no need to say it again - it's been an exceptionally warm December, and an ...
2015 is set to be the hottest year on record as November smashed previous records, being 1.75 degrees Fahrenheit (0.97 degrees ...
According to a NY Times/CBS poll two out of three Americans support the signing of a global climate pact, but ...
You know things are messed up when the head of the House committee that covers science doesn't really understand it. ...
The world enters uncharted territory in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, as concentrations reach record levels, the World Meteorological Organization ...
Before the official talks at the UN climate change summit start next month in Paris, each nation was invited to ...
A recent study published Wednesday in the journal Nature shows that there is a strong functional relationship between a region's ...
The European Union, generally considered the world's 3rd biggest emitter after China and the US, reported that its emissions fell ...
By now, it's almost a statistical certainty: in January 2016, we will say that 2015 was the warmest year on ...
A study assessed how sea level rise at the hand of global warming will affect coastal populations in the United ...
With the Paris summit being just around the corner, it's time to step back and look at who the big ...
Less than two months away, 200 governments will join the U.N. Paris talks where an international agreement might be reached ...
Enticed by warming waters, king crabs might soon make a run for Antarctica's continental shelf where they haven't been seen ...
Six years ago, at the 2009 climate talks in Copenhagen, things seemed to have taken a dire turn, with no ...
A while ago I wrote about how the fossil fuel divestment movement is gathering a huge momentum, as more and ...
Specialists from the University of Cambridge and the University of Colorado estimate that the effects of climate change are going ...
As a new investigation showed today, the scientists of the biggest oil company in the world, Exxon Mobil knew about ...
The world is heating up, that's no longer up for debate, but there are many ways through which we can ...
One of the largest banks in the world says choosing not to invest in renewable energy and divest from fossil ...
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. In a bid to curb global emissions, the carbon credit scheme ...
The revolutionary wave that swept Arab nations beginning with 2011 displaced millions and cost the lives of hundreds of thousands. ...