30 years ago, James Hansen warned Congress of climate change. He was on point
Like Cassandra, the priestess cursed to predict the future and not be believed by anyone, James Hansen's appeal has largely ...
Like Cassandra, the priestess cursed to predict the future and not be believed by anyone, James Hansen's appeal has largely ...
Rice is losing proteins, vitamins, and minerals due to rising CO2 in the atmosphere.
... but if we keep on with the "business as usual" approach, things will be much worse.
Climate change is already taking a massive toll
We're beyond a tipping point, but not all is lost yet.
Everything you wanted to know about climate. No -- really.
Scientists have identified yet another unexpected consequence of climate change.
You can make cool science.
Sometimes, the world can work together for the common gold.
Trump's US is the only country who doesn't want the Paris Agreement.
Ice might be melting much faster than we thought.
This is no time to pat ourselves on the back, researchers warn.
The climate change debate is moot.
A rather unexpected effect of climate change.
Inaction in the face of climate change is no longer irresponsible -- it's criminal.
Damn, it always sucks when you come in second.
There's a definite rift between science and the American people.
Don't believe in climate change? Don't worry, you'll suffer just as well.
The cost of non-action could be dramatic by the end of the century.
And the world will be less without them.
Yet another piece of definitive evidence in the case of climate change.
Things are much worse than we thought, and you'll never guess how climate change plays into this one.
Trump to Earth: "Screw you." The Earth to Trump: "No, screw you!"
America's favorite travel destination, Hawaii, is in for some nasty times.
We'd have to plant trees instead of food.
When we said 'Go green,' this really wasn't what we had in mind.
It's a sad lullaby for the songbirds -- and not just for them.
A billion tons of CO2 have been trapped by these mountains where the only exposed sections of the Earth's mantle ...
Green is not always good.
It's a small step, but it's a much needed step.
The US had to work harder to have a chance at achieving their climate objectives, but now -- the country's ...
These "alternative facts" go against 150 years of research.
In the US, the fox is guarding the henhouse.
Next time you go to Antarctica, pack your shorts.
It's even worse than we thought.
As the Earth heats up, much of the heat sinks into the oceans.
In case anyone had any doubts, the year that just ended was the hottest on record.
If the paper is right, then 17 percent more emissions will be released into the atmosphere by 2050.
The planet is still warming , and fast.
The Vikings were late a million years. Back then this was 'really' Greenland.
Hardy little things too.
Things are already bad.
A heartfelt plea, sometimes said with a breaking voice.
The wolves, dining with the sheep.
Last year, world leaders gathered in Paris for a UN summit which could be decisive in humanity's history.
No pat on the back for this one.
They've collected staggering amounts of data.
There may have been a bang.