Niceness is in your genes: scientists find pro-social behavior is influenced by genetics
A study performed last year observed that identical twins, who share 100% of the same genetic material and had the ...
A study performed last year observed that identical twins, who share 100% of the same genetic material and had the ...
The first genetically engineered or biotech food products were released on the market for the first time in 1994. Consumers ...
What if you could increase your ability to remember with a pill? This may not be an idea just for ...
Humans are hot-wired to scan other people in their surroundings, and determine whether their trust worthy or not, all by ...
Scientists have genetically engineered mice able to express a certain enzyme, which allows for an increased metabolic rate. The lab ...
The sonic hedgehog gene got its name after researchers did some testing on fruit flies embryos, and found that the ...
Floods are a major hazard to crops worldwide. This year alone, billions of dollars worth of crops came to waste ...
Researchers at Linköping University have taken up themselves to study the intricate personality of the sperm donor. What they found ...
Scientists from the UK and Hungary have run various experiments to verify the claim of US researchers that a certain ...
In 2008 a deadly earthquake hit the Sichuan province of China killing tens of thousands and living millions homeless - ...
News of a low-cost semiconductor-based gene sequencing machine has been reported this Wednesday in the journal Nature, by a team led ...
In a recently patented research, UCLA geneticists have shown and demonstrated how they've accurately been able to predict a person's ...
In what can be considered a breakthrough in the battle against worldwide depression, scientists from Germany’s Max Planck Institute of ...
While gene-therapy is still regarded as a very innovative practice, it seems like the procedure might take traction as of ...
The typical healthy human brain contains about 200 billion nerve cells, called neurons, all of which are connected through hundreds ...
I recently finished reading The Generous Man by Tor Nørretranders in which the author tries to explain the awkward act ...
Researchers at Emory University School of Medicine have conducted a study showing that the deletion of a particular gene makes ...
Mycobacterium vaccae is a type of bacteria that naturally leaves in soil and has been in the attention of researchers ...
It's quite obvious that genetics is the most important step in our evolution that we have to take and although ...
History is just teeming with examples of brilliant artists that acted in very peculiar ways - to put it lightly. ...
If you ever visited a neighboring country and found that the people there had little or no connection to your ...
What makes us different is not who we are, not what we think, but the decisions we make. That defines ...
Recently, it seems there's a gene for everything, from generosity to ruthlesness. That still doesn't mean that you can blame ...
We have just began to understand our genome yet there are still numerous things we fail to understand; there is ...