Some 31 million years ago, these iguanas rafted over 5,000 miles of ocean
New research reveals an extraordinary journey across the Pacific that defies what we thought was possible.
New research reveals an extraordinary journey across the Pacific that defies what we thought was possible.
Labradors and some humans share a surprising genetic link to obesity.
Researchers use CRISPR to overcome seemingly insurmontable reproductive barriers — but that doesn't mean this could work for humans.
Two new studies have revealed why some cats are orange – an enduring enigma of genetics, until now.
Labrador owners can finally stop feeling guilty for overfeeding.
Most of us have Neanderthal ancestors, and now scientists how revealed important details about how their DNA shape us today.
A DNA test could eliminate progressive retinal atrophy in dogs altogether.
They build their own antibiotics taking parts from bacteria.
New study finds 20% chance of autism in siblings of autistic children, confirming earlier research.
Neanderthal genes from ancient interbreeding may increase our susceptibility to autism.
The study revealed genetic ties between ancient Maya child sacrifices at Chichén Itzá and modern descendants, offering new insight into ...
Scientists identify potential genetic factors that could play into CanUD
It’s been a head scratcher for years -- but the answer was in the rear end.
This could dramatically change our understanding of the disease.
Natives of Indonesia can dive up to 70 meters thanks to a genetic adaptation.
Ancient peoples seem to have mingled much more than thought possible.
There's more than one way to "design" babies. Should we be worried?
Bacteria don’t have sex to reproduce; they use it to stay alive and healthy.
Two studies found genetic-based changes in the cervix that can detect other cancers.
Exercising was shown to give elderly mice the muscles of those much younger.
The protective gene was passed onto us by an ancient human species.
The new variant has 46 mutations making it more vaccine-resistant and infectious.
This could be a major boon for animal welfare.
The genetic changes that drive the emergence of skin cancer seem to be caused by environmental factors.
Around half of patients are resistant to our current treatment options.
We're learning more and more about how the virus spreads, and how our own bodies help that process.
"If you gave me your shoe, I could tell you with about 90% accuracy the city you came from," the ...
Still a ways to go, but it’s an important step.
The comparison could help us bring penicillin up to scratch.
Send some my way too, please!
Understanding how genetics influences problem drinking can help us help those at risk.
So far, the method is just a “tool for exploration”.
They may be small, but they're far from inconsequential.
The findings could ultimately help scientists
This misconception about homosexuality needs to go away.
Overfishing is causing fish stocks to evolve rapidly.
"It just blows me away that regardless of how evolutionarily-different skin structures in animals are, they still use the same ...
"We are not saying that depression is not heritable at all. It is. What we are saying is that depression ...
Researchers say that the study marks a "significant step toward bringing mammoths back from the dead."
"They're OUR genes, tovarish plant" -- grasses.
They didn't lose the genes for limbs -- they're just blocked.
So, which one is your favorite?
One of the most ambitious projects ever attempted in science.
Researchers at one of the UK’s leading genetics centres tell us about their serendipitous findings.