Eating sweets with every meal may help your memory
Scientists at the Georgia State University, Georgia Regents University and Charlie Norwood VA Medical Center found that the brain uses ...
Scientists at the Georgia State University, Georgia Regents University and Charlie Norwood VA Medical Center found that the brain uses ...
Many of you reading this hope to one day be able to explore outer space; the thrill of discovery, entwined ...
It's estimated that humanity will have to produce around 50% more food than we currently do to keep up with ...
After they analyzed more than 2,000 traditional Indian recipes down to the molecular levels, scientists now think they know what ...
While analysing starch grains on ancient stone grinding tools from southern Italy, Marta Mariotti Lippi at the University of Florence ...
The food industry has become much more efficient in the last few decades as a result of globalization, but also ...
Back in 2013, we were telling you about about a small agricultural project on the International Space Station - now, ...
The unexpectedly delicious new creation is actually a new strain of red marine algae named dulse. It's packed full of ...
We've all seen them - the food pics are everywhere. Instagram has basically become a food porn haven, with everyone ...
The loud noise that usually airline passengers have to deal with in mid-flight can significantly alter how food tastes. According ...
An innovative study suggests that something as small as labeling healthy foods with a small smiley face can make kids ...
A typical school cafeteria serving contains fried food stuff like nuggets, mashed potatoes or peas. Kids' nutritional uptake and diet ...
Seattle, an US city with one of the highest recycling rates in the country, is now effectively mandating its citizens ...
Every food product is mandated in most of the world to list its nutritional values - how much proteins, lipids, ...
An inspired entrepreneur, Shigeharu Shimamura, took an old semiconductor factory that was abandoned following the 2011 Japan disaster and turned ...
For a long time, scientists have believed there's a sort of net trade-off between the number of seeds and the ...
Men are from Mars and women are from Venus, or so the old adage goes, but how different are men ...
Gut bacteria may influence what we want to eat. GIF: University of California Our gut hosts an enormous population of ...
“Feeding nine billion people in a truly sustainable way will be one of the greatest challenges our civilization has ever faced,” ...
In a society that attempts to pass from an opulent attitude towards consumption to a much more temperate, health-centered one, ...
As you sit in the morning and have your daily coffee or tea and enjoy your breakfast, take a moment ...
Polish researchers have found the earliest evidence of prehistoric cheese-making from a study of 7,500-year-old pottery fragments that are perforated ...
The pyramids, art, all of the world's great inventions, literary works, just about any valuable intellectual work can be traced ...
Instead of counting the seconds it's been on the floor; it's just safer if you'd wash that hot-god or, better ...
According to a new report released online by researchers of University of Minnesota, the world's food demand is expected to double ...
A new study has shown that most people who think they have food alergies (over 80% in fact) actually don't ...
According to a research conducted by researchers from the Cornell University the portions and the plates depicted in more than ...
As you probably know, a 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti, basically destroying the country. The situation there was extremely bad even ...
Astronauts definitely don't have it easy; preparing and training for most of your life, to go on a mission that ...
It's hard to believe that about half of the food produced on our planet is wasted, especially when about a ...