Asteroid impact that wiped out dinosaurs was far worse than previously thought
Earth's average surface air temperature droppped by as much as a staggering 26 degrees Celsius.
Earth's average surface air temperature droppped by as much as a staggering 26 degrees Celsius.
Humans weren't necessarily better than the Neanderthals, they just moved around more.
The amazing story of an insect presumed dead for decades.
Big and small animals are the most threatened by extinction.
Something even worse might be happening today.
There's a lot to be grateful for the first mammalian ancestors who evolved side-to-side chewing.
Welcome to the planet's sixth major extinction -- take a seat.
For the first time in history, a bee in continental US has been listed as endangered.
Scientists are trying to de-extinct ancient cows called aurochs.
The cheetahs can't outrun humanity.
A new report published by the IUCN shows that the emblematic giraffe is facing a threatening decline.
Large marine species are favorably lost which could disrupt marine ecosystems for millions of years.
Humpback whales have made an epic return.
While the situation of pandas is improving, the same can't be said about great apes.
In between rising temperatures and human hunters, mammoths and sabretooth tigers stood no chance.
Helicoprion is an extinct genus of shark-like, cartilaginous fish that lived from the early Permian (~290 m.y. ago) all through ...
For the first time in over one hundred years worldwide tiger numbers have increased, but there are still only 3,900 ...
Drastically reducing body size and, maybe most importantly, lifespan may have been the most important course of action evolution undertook ...
Europe is likely to lose all its ash trees, the largest-ever survey of the species warns. Plagued by both a ...
We judge our planet's biological past by using geological evidence - fossils. Fossils are the preserved remains or traces of ...
Some 360 million years ago, the oceans were teeming with big fish, some as big as a school bus. Then ...
When we talk about extinction, we tend to think of it in the past-tense, or as something that just kind ...
The fact that the greatest biodiversity of large mammals we know of today is recorded in Africa is a legacy ...
The rate of extinctions on Earth has grown tremendously following the industrial revolution. The world's next massive extinction will most ...
Geological evidence indicates that our planet has seen five mass extinction cycles since life first appeared on the planet. While ...
Long before T-rex claimed the top dog spot among terrestrial predators, a vicious crocodile ancestor that walked on its hind ...
Life has found our blue gem planet as a welcoming host, but it hasn't always been all fun and games. ...
The Permian was a geologic period that ended some 250 million years ago, with the largest extinction our planet has ...
In a groundbreaking analysis based on data extracted from hundreds of studies, scientists concluded that humans are on the verge ...
A pig-nosed turtle on display at an aquarium in Singapore. The aquarium in the Chinese Gardens holds the biggest selection ...
From the tropics to the poles, bird populations all over the world are facing a sharp decline, cornered by climate ...
Restoration of the famous elephant bird. Photo: Wikimedia Commons Once one of Madagascar's crown inhabitants, the elephant bird (Aepyornis maximus) ...
The last bucardo living specimen, Celia, died in 2000. She can now be seen at the reception centre of the ...
The high temperatures of the meteorite impact 12,900 years ago produced mm-sized spherules of melted glass with the mullite and ...
The reemergence of the critically endangered population of Huemul deer (Hippocamelus bisulcus) marks a fantastic achievement by local governments and ...
The Takahe is a flightless bird that was previously thought to be extinct in New Zealand until it was discovered ...
So far... it's re-extinction Almost 10 years ago, on July 30, 2003, a team of Spanish and French scientists reversed ...
I had the chance to witness, on several occasions, how bears change their behaviors when people feed them (which they ...
Apparently, every month brings forth a new theory on the demise of the Neanderthals - the cookies one being that ...
This bright little fellow is known as the lesula to the local people of a remote part of the Democratic ...
The world we're living in seems to be heading towards a mass extinction, in which humanity plays a crucial role. ...
As it turns out, no one single factor was powerful enough to wipe out the woolly mammoth - instead, a ...
A recently published study suggests that the Earth might have been visited by a giant space rock 13,000 years ago, ...
During man's exploits through out history, a great number of species were driven to extinction, either by excessive hunting, habitat ...
Climate change and over-fishing are held responsible for the swift collapse of coral reefs and the propagation of mass extinction ...
Anomalocaridids were extremely weird animals, by today's standards; but by the standards of the Cambrian, they were the hot guys. ...
Usually, we tend to think of Neanderthals as being our bigger and stronger but not-so-intelligent cousins, but that may very ...